Dream, Trump, Word

It will come when He is dead – Frank Serritella

It will come when He is dead

Feb 5, 10:01 AM
Frank Serritella

Dear brothers and sisters, since November 25, 2019 the Lord God before whom I Stand has given me 5 dreams and 3 Words concerning the year 2020..I have shared some of the those Dreams on this website….

None has been more important then the one I am sharing Today…..It is a warning to Prepare for the Unleashing of an angry God.

Dream…… On the evening of January 17, 2020, it started. While I laid in bed, Occasionally the words: “It will come when He is dead” would play in my head. In the days following, those words continued more frequently both day and night getting much stronger, to the point, where one night I was kept up all night long with the words It will come when he is dead.” Those words would not stop!

For those of you who are not familiar with these words, those words are the translation of the name Methuselah.

Methuselah is the Son of Enoch, the Grandfather of Noah. Methuselah is the oldest living human recorded in history. Methuselah lived 969 years.
Methuselah is a Prophetic name meaning: His death shall bring, and/or: “It will come, when he is dead.”
Enoch, the man Who walked with God, was instructed to name his Son Methuselah to warn people, that after he died, the Vengeance of an Angry God would be unleashed!

From January 17, through the 22 those words would continue to come to me, Daily becoming more frequent. I kept asking the Lord,

“Who will die Lord? Who will it be?  The President? the Pope? Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel? My dad? Who Lord? Who is it?

On January 22, 2020 I received a dream.                         

President Donald Trump was lying in a casket in the Rotunda.

Since this dream the Lord has confirmed it.

The following is taken from the website, prophecyunveiled.com:

  Is Mr. Trump a call from God?  The word trump or trumpet
as it is used in the bible comes from the Greek word salpinx (English pronunciation) meaning “quavering” or “reverberation.”                             The word quavering means vibrating or shaking.
Reverberation is a persistence of sound, an echo.The word trump is also derived from the Greek word saino (English pronunciation) meaning to shake, to disturb. Trumps or trumpets are used in the bible to announce the coming of a big event.

Soon after the death of President Trump, the 10.0 earthquake will happen in California.

Beloved Reader: The Lord God in the Heavens is trying to get our attention, to Prepare for a Judgment and Vengeance from a Holy God that will be unprecedented in the History of Man!

I beg you in the tender mercies of Jesus our beloved Savior, search your Hearts… and love Jesus with ALL your heart, soul, mind and stregnth and everyone as Jesus commands us too..

A disciple of our great Lord of Hosts, Jesus Christ.

Frank Serritella


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