September 4, 2021 11:35 AM
Victoria Ang
Prophetic dream:
The Lord used to give me prophetic dreams all the time but it’s been awhile now since I have had one.
So this dream is very symbolic in more ways than one.
In the dream I found myself inside a mansion that I was made known I was going to live .There were a few workers in the mansion that were doing last minute work to make everything ready to move in. There was an unknown man( God) that was overseeing all the work being done . In the dream I was so in love with this man I wanted to ask HIM to marry me.
This mansion was so massive. The man ( God) took me by the FRONT door. In the front room As you entered the mansion was a MASSIVE water fall. With a huge pool. At the base of the water fall. In the dream I remember thinking I couldn’t wait to submerge myself in the pool. The water fall was not yet turned on but was all set to start. That is why the man( God) took me to that room. We stood there side by side to watch the waterfall begin to flow. And the dream ended.
All Glory to God I have the gift of dream and vision interpretation. As I was praying on this dream and seeking the Lord. I went outside to
check on my animals and there was a white feather sitting by the door.
The workers in the mansion represent those that will be doing the harvest work. Those working hard for Gods Kingdom. Those that are his remnant bride.
Last minute touches are being finalized. So there will be an out pouring of the LIVING WATERS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT . Those that will be completely submerge with the refinement of the Holy Spirit! It is at the door!!!