
It Begins Now – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

It Begins Now

2/11/25 9:15 PM


No more time is on man’s clock, no more time on my clock.  The beginning of the end has come.  Prepare yourselves in righteousness, truth, and love for all these are important to follow me.  I Am your guidance, I Am your cornerstone, I Am all that you need to make it to the promised land.

Jump into the bathing of your soul in my Word.  Know my character, and Words that have been written to guide you, and keep you from the enemy’s traps and snares.  Pray using my Words to effectively change and morph outcomes.  Be one with me in spirit and truth.  Nothing is too hard when immersed in holiness for it guides you and becomes your path.  Stick to your guns (not literal) when you know something does not seem right.  Question if it lines up with my Word.  Be who I made you to be.

It begins now, for change is immanent.


Chiming of the bells, sound of the trumpets, a wake-up call is being announced.  No more slumbering children, fully awake many will become.  Buggles in the background.  No more sleep, no more slumber.  I awaken the masses.  No more folly.  No more time.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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