Warning, Pandemics, Word

Invisible Killer – Avidan


Invisible Killer

November 9, 2020 12:44 AM

Message On November 18th 2020

Said The LORD

“Things Are About To Change
One Night When You Go To Sleep
The World Will Be One Way,
When You Wake Up,
It Will Be Totally Different”

Either Through Earthquakes, Floods, Tornadoes, Rains Or Viruses Mutating.

The Virus,
The Invisible Killer,
Will Soon Become Dreadful To Many.
All Over The World.

It Will Be In The Air,

It Will Be A Sprint From Houses
To Cars.
A Sprint Everytime Someone Step Outside
Back Into Their Residence.
Staying Outside Will Soon Become

Don’t Let The Political Climate
Affect Your Preparedness.
The Virus Has Mutated.

Bring Into The Houses Things You Will Need. Soon, It Will Be Dangerous Going Even To Your Yards,
To Get Things.

You Will Need Masking Tapes For Your Doors To Keep Out The Airborne Virus.

The People Of The World Has Been Warned
Countless Times To REPENT And Prepared.

Other Messages:

Strong Warning To

* Those Who Dresses To Dishonored The LORD.
— The Half Nudes

They Will Go Hungry, They Will Prostitute For Food On The Day Of The LORD Visitations
— If They Don’t REPENT.

* To Those Who Are Gearing To
Fight For A King.

(They Did Not Fight When The Name Of The LORD Was Taken Out Of Schools,
They Kept Silent When Thousands Of Children Are Being Aborted.)

—–As They Sow,
So Shall They Reap
If They Do Not REPENT.

* Also Those Who Continue ln Sinfulness
Thinking They Will REPENT Later,
—Are ln For Surprises.

* Those Who Bowed Down Other gods,
And To The One ln The Desert (Ba.’al).

—Their Attitudes Will Becoming Like The ldols. -The Evil Spirits- They Have Choosen.

In Hell,
They Keep The Lights Lit
Waiting for Them.


REPENT ln The Name Of The LORD
King Yeshua/Jesus.
He ls The Only Way To Life Eternal.
The Only Way.

“Things Are About To Change
One Night When You Go Sleep,
The World Will Be One Way,
When You Wake Up
It Will Be Totally Different.

On The Day Of The LORD Chosen.



King Yeshua/Jesus ls Calling,

For Us To Walk With Him In Light,
Calling Unto Those Walking ln DARKNESS
And Those From Wordly Plight.

Calling To Us To Walk In His Footsteps
Along Narrow Path,
Where Living Means Forever
And He Shall Be Our King.

The Path To Life Eternal
Is Straight And Narrow,
But it’s Really Not Hard.
Others Gone Before Us Have Made lt,

Why Can’t We???

Be Careful Lest You Stumble,
Be Careful Lest You Fall.
Be Careful Lest HaSatan(Satan) Find You
And Take Away Your Crown.



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