Interpretation of Dana Coverstone’s “Normandy Beach” Dream
8/24/24 6:01 PM
Jon Stokes
The dream is a reference to Isaiah 18:2 — Go swift messengers, to a people tall and smooth-skinned, to a people feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers.
The Nazis are spiritual forces of darkness defending the continent against Christian missionaries, many of whom believed that Native Americans were descendants of the ten tribes of Israel. The ships increase in size and capability because the number of well-equipped missionaries coming to America began to increase over the years, especially during the Great Awakening in the 18th century. America is a second land of Canaan where the Lord will gather people of all nations and languages together to see his glory (Isaiah 66:18) and redeem the ten tribes that migrated to America across the Bering Strait following the Assyrian captivity in 722 B.C. The Americas are the ends of the earth Jesus spoke of and he said that once every nation heard the gospel, then the end would come (Matthew 24:14).
Normandy beach is used in the dream because the earliest settlers faced a similar death toll when they reached the shores of America; and whether a praying saint in 1621 or an American soldier in 1944 lived or died crossing over was solely in God’s hands. Nazis are used because they, like the American government when it first emerged, sought to exterminate the Jews. Adolf Hitler’s ideology that the Jews were a threat to Germany’s path forward was based on America’s treatment of Indians, particularly under Andrew Jackson’s administration.
Isaiah 18 is describing successive empires that first conquer, and then are conquered. First ambassadors are sent to a nation, then ambassadors are sent from that nation. First a mighty nation tramples down a weaker nation; then that mighty nation becomes weak and is trampled down by a stronger nation. The KJV probably has the best translation because it portrays both the rise and fall of a nation (a people terrible from their beginning…a nation meted out and trampled underfoot. v. 7). People in this context almost always translates Israelite in Scripture, while nation often translates Gentile. When God’s people obey, they’re blessed and protected; when they live like Gentiles, they’re trampled by Gentiles.
In verse 1, Woe to the land of whirring wings, that is beyond the rivers of Cush, whirring wings are locusts, which represent armies. Beyond the rivers of Cush was a mystery to commentators until the discovery of the Americas because no such place otherwise existed in the known world. Papyrus boats translates canoes, and no nation on earth is divided by rivers like America is, which hosts 3 of the 7 largest in the world, namely, the Mississippi, the Missouri, and the Rio Grande, all of which divide the land. The Cheyennes were once called a people of alien speech, and some English versions translate v. 2 as a people who dwell by many lakes; the Crow Tribe lived in Ohio for centuries and were once called a people who dwell by many lakes (it’s worth noting that in 2008, Barak Obama became an honorary member of the tribe and his Crow name is “Black Eagle.” I visited the tribe earlier this year and several of the elders on the reservation verified this, one of whom was at the meeting with Obama, which took place long before anyone knew who he was).
The locusts in verse 1 are in “The Let Me Show You Something Dream;” the banner and trumpet in verse 3 are in the “Birds and the Maul” dream; shimmering heat in verse 4 is in the “Earthquake Dream;” and the ensuing devastation and tribute brought to the Lord in verses 5-7 are in “The Mud Dream.”
The comparison of Native Americans to Israel and America to Jerusalem is seen in many of Dana’s other dreams. The mountains surrounding America in the “Hold Your Breath” dream is a reference to Psalm 125:2, “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore.” In the “Yellow Horse” Dream, the Indians are descendants of Isaac, the Saudi Arabians are descendants of Ishmael, and the horses running away is a reference to Genesis 49:17, “Dan shall be a serpent in the way, a viper by the path, that bites the horses heels so that his rider falls backward.” The five parts of America where Christians are praying in “The Precision Dream” are the five cities that will speak the language of Canaan in Isaiah 19:18. In the “Birds and the Maul Dream,” America is a type of Canaan and Egypt. Jesus is the commander of the armies of the Lord from Joshua 5 and he’s guarding the entrance to Canaan; the tunnel is the Jordan River and it gets bigger to represent the Exodus from Egypt; the overpass is passover.
Native Americans have been persecuted and marginalized by the society they live in but never wiped out. They’ve been scattered and their land has been divided (Joel 3:2). They have oral traditions, tribal names, temples, tabernacles (today, “sweat lodges”), medicine men, prophets, elders, vision quests, fasting, annual feasts, and a Great Spirit. Where did they get all those ideas? The evidence of Jewish origins is overwhelming. In 1860, archeologists even discovered the Ten Commandments etched into a stone in Hebrew at a burial site in Newark, Ohio that dates 100 A.D. This, of course, like all discoveries that affirm truth, has been labeled a conspiracy theory.
In the second book of Esdras, Ezra writes concerning the ten tribes that “they would leave the multitude of the nations and go into a more remote region, where the human race had never lived.” (2 Esdras 13:41-42). In his autobiography, The Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth, Beckwourth, who spent his whole life living among Indians in the early 1800’s, said “I find their habits of living, and their religious belief, substantially uniform through all the unmingled races. All believe in the same Great Spirit; all have their prophets, their medicine men, their soothsayers, and are alike influenced by the appearance of omens; thus leading to the belief that the original tribes throughout the entire continent, from Florida to the most northern coast, have sprung from one stock, and still retain in some degree of purity the social constitution of their primitive founders.” Many books were written on this subject upon the discovery of America but were buried in history and lampooned as conspiracy theories, as truth began falling into the streets (Isaiah 59:14). For anyone who wants to know more, I’d recommend starting with Discourse on the Evidences of the American Indians, Being Descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel, by M.M. Noah. It’s a short read and can be downloaded for free at