
Interpretation of Dana Coverstone’s Lastest Dream – Jon Stokes

Interpretation of Dana Coverstone’s Lastest Dream

8/14/24 12:20 PM
Jon Stokes

Dana describes another dream he had within the “Dreams in Review” video he uploaded on August 7th. The dream begins at 39:40 and this is the interpretation the Lord gave me on August 12, 2024:

The ocean represents judgment and purification. It symbolizes the cast metal sea in the courtyard of Solomon’s temple (1 Kings 7:23-26) where the priests would purify themselves by washing their hands and feet before entering the Holy Place. It also symbolizes judgment on the worship of wealth and materialism. Judgment and sanctification are often two sides of the same coin and happen simultaneously in the wilderness—or “economic desert” in the dream. The water receding represents an economic recession that ends with the economy completely under water.

Mud and sand typically represent shame and death in the Bible, and Dana picking it up represents one taking up his cross and following Christ, who is represented by the billboard (more on this below). Dana opening his hand and letting the sand blow away means that taking up one’s cross requires that he let go of the dust that is his life. For he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. . . . the wind blows over it and it is gone…but the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear the Lord. Psalm 103:14-17.

The billboard (a sign of what’s coming) hovering over the surface of the ocean is the sign of Jonah (Matthew 12:39) and also represents the Spirit of God hovering over the face of the deep (Genesis 1:2). Sign and mark are both symbolized by the Hebrew letter tav, which is expressed as a cross in Ancient Hebrew. 2,000 feet is the lowest depth in the ocean where light still shines and where whales tend to swim. As Dana descends to 2,000 feet below sea level in an economic desert, he finds himself in Jonah’s same dire straits and fully repents as he comes under the sign above him—or cross, high and lifted up, which ascends as he descends. I must decrease, that he may increase. John 3:30. This is also a portrait of the Israelites trusting God in the wilderness by looking up at the bronze snake in order to be healed. Dying to self brings life in the Spirit (Romans 8:6), as the waters of death are what sanctify Dana.

The man who checks his wallet and cries represents the rich man who walked away sad in the gospels because he had great wealth. He also represents the merchants of Revelation 18:11 who weep and mourn over the fall of Babylon because “no one buys her cargoes anymore.”

The scanners not working represents the halting of national and global commerce. Buying and selling will become localized as long-distance trade proves unmanageable. This may also indicate that God will pull the plug on the internet in order to disconnect humanity and create small and autonomous communities of believers who aren’t attached to this or that preacher or political figure. God never intended for the world to be connected as it now is—though he’s certainly used it for good—hence the scattering at Babel in Genesis 11.

“Cash only” indicates that paper money will still be in use; however, malfunctioning ATMs reflects the closing of banks and financial losses for anyone who had paper money stored in those banks.

Cars not moving reflect the long-term effects of an EMP that hits some time before the events of the dream, in addition to an oil shortage. These events are also observed in Dana’s other dreams.

The deceasing number of paper bags represents a steady recession that will likely come in waves lasting 3 or 4 years, like a high tide that rushes in and out but increases in intensity. In the dream, Dana sees that things resume normalcy after he reaches 2,000 feet below sea level, which indicates an economic yo-yo. I base the time interval on Jesus’ comment in “The Doctor Will See You Now” dream and the “News Headlines, Sheep, and Goats” dream. In “The Doctor Will See You Now” dream, Jesus is clear that financial deception about the economy will be revealed in 2024 and trigger a recession, and in the “News Headlines, Sheep, and Goats” dream one of the headlines states that 60 percent of regional banks will close by 2027. 2024-2027 is 3 years. 3 years is the same period of time it takes Dana to reach 2,000 feet below sea level, after which he becomes a sanctified vessel fit for use, as Jonah was after spending 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the fish. The initial pain of loss required for one to be crucified with Christ typically lasts 3 to 4 years, a common period of time God sets aside to discipline, purify, and train his people (e.g., Daniel, Paul, Isaiah, the disciples, Jesus’ ministry, Elijah’s ministry, the cursing of the fig tree in Mark 11:12-25, election cycles, the civil war, WW1, WW2, the Vietnam War, Desert Storm, etc.). After this interval of time when God purges Christians of pride and worldliness through economic hardship, he fills them with the kingdom of God, which is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). God brought Israel out of Egypt in divisions, and he sanctified 120, then 3,000, and so forth in the New Testament. Not every Christian will be brought out of slavery to the world at the same time.

Dana comes to the end of himself in the economic desert and fully submits to the leadership of Christ, a reflection of the Church in Laodicea—whom Jesus loves— being disciplined through financial loss in Revelation 3. Dana’s dreams make it clear that America is Babylon in the book of Revelation, and according to Revelation 18:10, Babylon’s total economic collapse takes place over a period of “one hour,” which is surely longer than 3 years.

The overarching meaning of the dream is that sanctification requires one to take up his cross and follow Christ with all his heart, soul, strength, and mind, and God will use hard economic times as a wilderness where he meets and purifies his people in order to bring them into a deep and true relationship with him.


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