
Instruction – Moriah


Received 8-30-19

Sep 19, 2019, 9:44 AM

Peace and Blessings to all who love the coming of the LORD!

Instruction given to YHUH’s children in, and withdrawn from the Church of Rome:

Who is this
Mary that the Church of Rome wants everyone to invoke as the Queen of Heaven and now, the Gate to Heaven?

I know what the One Living and True God,
Eli Yahoshua said:
He is the gate- the Son of God
He is the Shepherd- Our Father
He is the gatekeeper- Holy Spirit
YHUH is all IN all!

We are His sheep- body of Christ.
We are the sheepfold- the Temple.
We are the strait, narrow gate-
Enter through “Christ in us.” It’s difficult to willingly die to self, and look inwardly. A road of suffering, of outcast is assured. It’s difficult to love your enemy. It truly is a narrow gate.

The Holy Spirit is our gatekeeper, the porter at the gate…
and IS the voice of the Shepherd in the Gate. And the Holy Spirit will only open the Gate to the Kingdom for those who know His voice. And we ONLY follow his voice.

If anyone tries to enter the Kingdom any other way but the gate, they are thieves and robbers.


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