I Love All my children, How Great I AM ♥️ I seek but will I find my children
March 3, 2022 12:33 AM
Angela Garcia
Rcv’d 3/2 3am pray for discernment and understanding
Come to me on bended knee I AM a forgiving God! Mighty in power how Great I AM the Great I AM! Share my words daughter… Tell them I’m your God, shout from the roof tops! I came that they would have life in abundance Peace, Love and Harmony ♥️ Seek the Father…JESUS is the only way ♥️ My ways are not their ways nor are my thoughts their thoughts. Change your way of thinking my children kingdom minded NOW is the time, get ready my children understand this is not your world you are only to occupy but not love this world or the things of this world ♥️ We are not of this corrupt world in my word I will lead you, show you, teach you ♥️ Know that faith and trust go hand in hand ♥️ Walk by faith and not by sight no matter what comes at you. I will not leave my children in the wilderness. I came that you would have life in abundance do not confuse my love for worldly love. I AM not of this world. Seek me while I may still be found ♥️ I AM who I say the Great I AM. El Shaddai Jesus Messiah The Great I AM
Psalm 86:5, Psalm 147:5
John 4:26, Matthew 10:27
John 10:10, Isaiah 55:6
John 14:6, Isaiah 55:8-9
Matthew 6:33, John 17:11
Psalm 32:8,
Proverbs 3:5-6
Hebrews 11:6, Psalm 9:10
2 Corinthians 5:7