9/9/24 8:46 AM
Abby K
Message received on 1/09/24 at 11 am
John 4:23-24: Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
The age of grace as you know it is coming to an end. In fact, the only sufficient grace left is that which is upon My people. Yes, the Holy Spirit is a restrainer that I am removing from this wicked world, but remember, Jesus came with Grace and Truth and now more than ever, I am revealing all Truth and exposing all the lies that have kept man in the dark. My Spirit is the Spirit of Truth that Jesus brought, but so did He bring Grace and now both the Spirit of Truth and My Grace are about to be lifted from this wicked world.
This Grace has allowed for My mercy to triumph over judgment, for My mercy rides on Grace. This is also why the window of mercy is closing and now i will show mercy to whom.I choose to show mercy. I told Daniel to seal up the book and go his way, but now I am opening these seals of knowledge that has been kept hidden for ages past. Now, this age is coming to a close and this knowledge must be revealed. Both good and evil knowledge will run to and fro the earth, for nothing will remain hidden any more, both light and darkness.
I am a God of TRUTH and now I am revealing all Truth that My people shall lay a hold of to remain on the narrow path. Every lie that I am now revealing is for My people to repent of it, for no liars nor lies shall enter My kingdom. This exposure will go against what you have believed, but it will set you free, for the destroyer now comes and he will look for what is his in you. So be found lacking of his tools that he may pass over you. You cannot say you walk in Truth, yet believe in lies, hence the exposing, that you may fully walk in My ways, for I am TRUTH.
I am calling out My Sons who walk in Truth, to let go of any lies that you are still holding on to, for they will condemn you. Let the Spirit of Truth lead you into all truth even though it sounds out of this world, it is My truth and He will bear witness in you. Pray for the Spirit of Knowledge and Understanding to reveal all truths to you and He will. My people perish for the lack of knowledge because they are ignorant of seeking truth. Seek and you shall find, for only My Spirit searches all things and reveals to you what is Mine. Be led of My Spirit and not what man says, for only My Spirit knows the way.
2 Thessalonians 2:6
John 1:17
Luke 12:2-3
John 14:15-17
James 2:13
Romans 9:15
Daniel 12:9
Daniel 12:4
Revelation 21:8
John 8:32
John 14:6
John 16:32
Colossians 1:9
Hosea 4:6
Matthew 7:7
1 Corinthians 2:10
Romans 8:14
Galatians 5:25