I am coming soon
Oct 6, 2019 11:35PM
Patti Young
I was lying in bed tonight weary and tired from a long day, talking to the Lord, when a vision came before me. It was very clear, as if I was watching a movie on a tv screen. I saw the wailing wall in Israel, and then I saw Obama, standing, wearing a black suit. He had the Yarmulke on his head again, it was a white one with a blue writing on it, the same as a vision I have seen in the past, only in that vision he was wearing a white Jewish prayer shawl with blue Hebrew writing all around the bottom of it. Now, at the wall, he was rocking back and forth, and then he pulled out a little piece of paper that was a prayer usually tucked into the wall. When he pulled out this folded paper, he looked at me with his demonic devilish grin, he opened up the paper and on this paper the words were written “I am coming soon”. In my spirit I knew this was the truth that the Lord was revealing to me and I also knew that Obama was a mocking the soon return of Jesus
I have had a feeling of impending doom and death and something horrific is soon to come. This horrible feeling has been with me all day, a feeling of death and darkness and something very, very bad is about to happen. Soon I heard this word, it was like angels were making an announcement, and then the Lord begin to speak.
“He’s coming, Christ the Redeemer, he’s going to redeem all of those that belong to him. The reaping is about to begin in the Great Harvest.” “The fields are white, no man can withhold my time for my righteous judgement. I prepared them that know, these seek my face, these know my name, these follow me alone. Redemption, the time has come to redeem my beloved. The fires, the scorching, the torment these shall come against those that do not belong to me, and yet they have tormented mine own. My recompense I say, recompense. To mine
own, your time of redemption is nigh. I will complete that which I have started. The end will be the end of all things as humankind has known. In my heavenlies my throne is seated, I see and I rule, earth is my footstool. Clarity has been given to many to see I have been forthright and telling these of my judgements
to come. Prepare, prepare, prepare your hearts for the time has come, the works of the flesh are finished, the works of the wicked shall be abolished. What have you gained in the rewards of your flesh in this kingdom, to lose it all for all eternity? You have gained nothing but pleasure for a moment, but the loss of all these things you choose were treasures unto you, and now they will be lost.. alas, alas, alas, they shall say in the marketplace against the whoredom of Babylon, alas, alas, alas, she has fallen and who can shed a tear?
Did I not come to save the lost, the forlorn and the forsaken? Those that say they are workers of MY harvest, workers in MY fields, and they will say unto me, we have gone out to save that which is lost Lord. And I shall say unto these, you, you who are messengers of your ovwn accord, you who are messengers that I have not sent, you who have spoken a word that is not of me, you who have taught, but have not taught my truths, I said unto you, I shall cast you aside with my right hand of righteousness, I shall sweep you into land as dust, you I shall say as you stand before me, I know you not! How can you say you have done all these things in my name when I say unto you I know you not! My truth shall prevail in the end,
my kingdom comes, my will be done in the earth
as it is in my heaven, not the will of man, for mans ways he has determined his own steps and yet he says this is of the Lord. And I say unto you, I have marked you, I know your name, death shall come unto these, afflictions shall come unto these, for I know you not! Oh great deceiver of the brethren, for you have led many astray with your lies and deceitfulness, you who say you speak truth and lies as a slithering snake spills venom from your lips. I shall hold you accountable when you stand
me on that day of my judgements, and I shall cast you aside! Again I shall say, I shall cast you aside and say unto these, do not come before me again speaking and saying you know me and you know of my name for I shall say unto these I know you not..