America, Judgment, Testimony, Weather


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10/10/24 7:18 PM
Handmaid of the Most High
Philippians 4:7 KJV
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 KJV
Rejoice evermore. [17] Pray without ceasing.

Greetings to my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus,

Hurricane Milton has passed, Praise God!

For those who read the posts on, the Holy Spirit has kept me extremely busy for the past two weeks. Last weekend I did nothing other than post one prophecy after another. That has only happened one other time that I can recall, back in April preceding the eclipse which was very significant for the world.

The Holy Spirit continued to speak a lot to me about Milton even after those posts, one He shared on Sunday evening that Milton would have many tornados and that they would kill I knew at least 10 people in Florida. Immediately after this, a very popular weather youtuber stated “Tornado’s won’t be an issue.” I laughed, knowing God would prevail. Yesterday, Wednesday we broke records because of tornados with warnings one after another, seeming almost constant, while this does happen sometimes during hurricanes this was significantly high. According to local news, Thursday there are already 13 confirmed deaths from tornados rated a 3 which means some tornados had winds over 100 miles. The Holy Spirit had also told me that flooding would be the big issue resulting from the Hurricane and that has been the big issue in many counties.

As the Hurricane headed toward us, several people said that they sensed in the spirit that something very evil was connected to it. These came from those who were connected to the Lord and those who were not

By Monday, I could tell that many prayers had been prayed on behalf of those in Milton’s path. The next few nights, I spent many hours praying and slept little, waking up knowing the spiritual warfare I was engaged in was intense.

Flooding in areas very close by me has been a huge problem. My local area of Central Florida has had 13″ inches of rain (since it rained for 5 days before hand having more than a foot of rain is a big deal. We have many rivers and springs in the area. Thousands went to area shelters even during the hurricane passing because their homes became unsafe due to flooding or trees hitting homes. 911 calls exceeded typical hurricane calls by more than 150% in the night at its worse.

Roads have been washed away and people are unable to get back to their homes. Even 6 miles away, flooding is waist high and about 30 miles away it is neck deep on some streets. Just 6 miles east, the next city from me water is waist high. There is bad flooding about 4 miles due north from Wekiva Springs. In many areas, the record for flooding has been broken. Though people have been warned to stay away, many ignore this. Curfews are in place in several area counties.

Florida has many rivers, springs and lakes.  As the flood waters feed into lakes and rivers many flow into the St. Johns River.  As a result, the banks are expected to overflow and create flooding in the surrounding areas over the next five days.  Please continue to pray for all areas as well as those along St. John’s River and A1A.

Usually after the Hurricane passes it is sunny and drier but that isn’t the case – I think that the evil one’s are probably chem trailing us to heighten the amount of damage and prevent those who live in those areas to return home.

Many times, I didn’t count but more than a dozen, the power would attempt to flick off momentarily but God heard all the prayers because part of my subdivision is on one grid and my home is on the border of the other. When I awoke, I thought I heard a generator so I went to the power website outage page, I am on the very border for the other grid and the other grid is still down!

While the power surges happened I repeatedly last night and throughout early morning. I lost phone and internet but it would be for brief times lasting maybe up to 3-4 minutes. This is not typical once a hurricane causes power outage it does not return. Sometimes, it might come back on the first few times but then it is gone permanently. I know prayer was covering me in an incredible way! This has never happened before during any Hurricane I’ve been through in the past 45 years. So, I am calling it a miracle without question.

Typically with rain as bad as it was, along with all the rain for the past 5 days, it would flood slightly via my dining room, where my sliding glass door is and also at the front of the house at the front door. Though sandbags were available in my city, I am too handicapped to fill and move, so I had to trust God. I walked by the sliding door during the worst of the storm several times, when we had the heaviest rains and there was no water inside. Again, that was something I thought very possible but no issues. I did not hear any bangs on the roof from flying debris (again this is typical), either.

The area has lost many trees, some due to the saturation of the ground can not support the roots. Meanwhile, the tornados uprooted some too.

Thank you so much for every prayer prayed. It was a bit trying but could have been absolutely, positively so much worse.

I have to comment on the peace I had especially right before landfall. When any hurricane passes through it is extremely stressful (at least for me). I’ve lived through some bad ones and lost power for weeks at a time, even more than 3 weeks. I’ve lost part of my roof (Jeanne). Despite this, I have seen people very close by loose much worse. So, knowing that the evil ones have planned to hurt this region again, I felt the ominous darkness prior to it and others commented that they felt this as well. We know that light over comes the darkness. I found it particularly funny that suddenly at around 8pm, the news station in Tampa (that I find one of the best in the state for weather) suddenly starts talking about the ‘Wobble Effect”. Now, I have been here for 45 years, I’ve never heard this term. They were explaining away why they were wrong on where the hurricane would hit. I believe they didn’t understand why they were steering it toward Tampa and it moved southward! God always has the final word!

Please continue to donate to Helene survivors and those in Milton’s path.

Tropical Storm Nadine is a very possible Hurricane in the making. Please refer to the prayer guide and the reference to sigil magic. Let’s pray away any future hurricanes planned for the United States!

Key points –
1) While God doesn’t promise us a life without storms, God protects His children in the storm!
2) Prayer works, even defies the most evil of plans. I’ve said it many times on this site, if we knew how powerful prayer is, we would be living a life of prayer. Don’t forget, Friday is fasting and prayer day. Please thank the Lord for His mercy!
3) There is peace that passes all understanding, that is our promise when we are filled with His Holy Spirit. No matter what darkness will cover our land in the coming days, it will sustain us. We must be open to His comfort, He never forces anything upon us!

Thank you so much for all your prayers! God Bless You!

~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:17-18

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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