Feb 12, 2020
Bella Orsi
Cobweb is a spider’s web. The spider uses the cobweb to trap other insects in the web for food. Cobweb attack is a very serious one. Spirit of cobwebs constitute household enemies and unfriendly friends. Cobwebs will for the most part represent spiritual restrictions and limitations for the dreamer as a result of witchcraft. Such dreams will also indicate that there are traps set in the realm of the spirit for the dreamer that is the source of stagnation in their everyday life. When they see that somebody is prospering or God is blessing them more than them, they try to reverse the situation by using cobwebs to deactivate the blessings upon his life. The spirit of cobweb is a spirit of poverty. The spirit of cobweb is a spirit of back to square one. The spirit of cobweb is a spirit that disgrace people and hide them from being noticed by their helpers. Isaiah 59:6 says “ Their cobwebs are useless for clothing; they cannot cover themselves with what they make. Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence are in their hands.”
Satanic cobweb can frustrate the effort of someone.
Cobweb are spiritual attacks it’s one of the mechanism and spiritual tools use by the enemy, evil people and (diviners) to negatively affect the success and life style of their victims. A person is said to be suffering signs or a victim of cobwebs spiritual attacks if he or she do experience unnecessary body or face contact with spider cobweb in any open space where the evidence of any spider formation of such cobwebs is not obtainable or easily and physically verifiable. If there isn’t any physical evidence then you are possibly suffering from this spiritual attack. Use discernment saints when diagnosing this spiritual attack.
The places can either be an open space, road, footpath, express way, market place, shopping mall, hospitals, churches, mosque, door post, school etc talk of it any where, even in your room, your car and so on, the person will be using body to contact spider cobwebs where other are passing without experiencing such.
The doors that could give legal right for the enemy to enter into your home with these cobwebs are negatives aspects of your life like failure, stagnancy in life ,unfounded hatred or unforgiveness, fertility problem and miscarriages ancestral or self curses curses, disappointment, lack of favor and blessings in life pursuits, facing rejection (for Job promotion) where you ought to be accepted, ill health, lack of break through, backwardness and failure at the stage where success is near, poverty, loss of job and business opportunities. Relationship and marital problem etc. Or as a result of a curse of one’s love one that one has offended through adultery, inheritance lost in families etc. The cobwebs spiritual attacks spiritually misdirect their victims direction in life that will make them be experiencing a negativity life and negative outcomes. This is a outward manifestation of cobwebs spiritual attacks.
Cobweb has finished destroying the destiny of many people in the spirit realm and reality. Until the cobweb is arrested, you will not prosper and when you don’t prosper, you are going to the position of poverty or lack. Take your prayers to the next level, you will never receive your deliverance and victory. The people of Israel were in captivity for many years until God rescued them from the hands of Pharaoh. May the Lord deliver you from the evil cobweb attacks in Jesus name.
If the cobwebs attack is almost a daily occurrence in your life, kindly get a fresh anointing oil and declare whatever you wanted the oil to do for you. Is it healing, deliverance, favor, success, progress, financial breakthrough, protection etc? Now declare it there according to the word of God in Psalm 27.
You need to stand against every cobweb of darkness working against your destiny. You need to take your prayers to the next level, or you will never receive your deliverance and victory. Many people have problems with cobweb attacks because their foundation is already attacked.
1.(Lay right hand on your head and say): Every cobweb spirit attached to my life and destiny, I bind and cast you out, in the name of Jesus.
2. Cobweb attack of poverty and backwardness over my life, receive fire, burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus. (Hold your head)
3. Spiritual and physical cobweb of hindrances following me about, I set you on fire, burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus. and any trap set for me by cobweb begin to catch your owners, in the name of Jesus. (Pray it well)
4. Blood of Jesus, flush out every satanic cobweb and evil net tying me down somewhere, in the name of Jesus. (Pray it 7 times)
5. Blood of Jesus silence everything scattering my favor and finances, in the name of Jesus. (Anoint your hands for favor now)
6. My Father, let any man or woman of darkness using cobwebs as a means to enter my life, Holy Ghost fire frustrate them, in the name of Jesus. (Pray with Matt 18:18)
7. Satanic cobwebs attack of ”nobody can ever favor me in this location“………(mention your names), I set you on fire, burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus. (Pray it with enough is enough spirit)
8. Cobweb attack of evil and destiny killers, waiting for me at the season of my blessings, receive fire, burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus. (Declare it well)
9. O God, re-connect me back to all the places satanic cobweb have disconnected me from, in the name of Jesus. (Pray it well that woman)
10. I command every demonic cobweb placed upon my hands, legs, head, neck and waist to break by fire, in the name of Jesus. (Place your anointing oil to those areas you often experience cobweb)
11. My Father, Let any strange man or woman manipulating my life and marital destiny with cobwebs, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, let every cobweb coffin where any of my blessings are hidden be roasted! (I see the hand of God moving around you)
12. My Father, let every witchcraft cobweb from any stubborn personality in my household, be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus. (Pray it seriously)
13. Every satanic cobweb assign to divert me from the path of my breakthrough, be consumed by Holy Ghost fire, in the name of Jesus. (Your freedom has come)!!!
14. Cobweb of no way!!! set against my blessings and favor, receive fire, burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
15. Powers of my father’s house and mother’s house that are sending invisible cobweb against me, I bind you with Holy Ghost fire, in the name of Jesus. (Begin to use your hands to bind them)
16. Witchcraft cobweb covering my glory from being noticed by my helpers, Catch fire,loose your hold over me completely, in the name of Jesus.That veil has been destroyed!!!!
17. Holy Ghost fire, destroy every strongman using cobweb to harass the glory of my family, in the name of Jesus. (Mention as many names as possible) Don’t be selfish in this area. Any names that comes to your mind
18. Cobweb attack of missed opportunity attacking me day and night, I set you on fire, in the name of Jesus
19. Every evil ever done to me through cobweb attacks, be reversed by fire, in the name of Jesus
20. Let the thunder of God locate and dismantle every witchcraft power using cobweb to fire afflictions into my life, in the name of Jesus.
21. Any sin that my parents and ancestors committed, that gave room for spiritual attacks to operate fully in my life, be washed away by the blood of Jesus.
22. Every power that want me to die in this condition, you are a liar, die, in Jesus name
23. Every dark power that is monitoring me, receive blindness in Jesus name
24. Every power assigned to change my destiny, die, in Jesus name
25. Every good thing stolen from my life while I shook hands with strange spirit, I recover you now, in Jesus name
26. My glory, depart from the location of setbacks in Jesus name
27. I refuse to be poor, in Jesus name
28. I refuse to live a life of spiritual attacks, in Jesus name
29. Dark personality assigned to blow me out of existence, fall down and die in Jesus name
30. Begin to thank God
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