A Call To Lament For The Church
2/18/25 7:21 AM
Kim Chadwell
Attached is a flyer calling for a united Fast in the Body of Christ.
There is desperate need for a cleansing of the church – and freedom to those who have been wounded and silenced by abuse within the corrupt ministry system worldwide.
Presently there is a petition gaining traction demanding an investigation into the alleged abuse within Daystar. This petition is only the beginning of the demand for even the simplest of justice for the many who have been harmed under the umbrella of “ministry” wolves pretending to be sheep.
It is my prayer that this unified fast will execute justice, expose those hiding, and exonerate victims. Together, unified at the Throne of God, we will collapse the walls of injustice and the cloak of secrecy the offenders are hiding behind.
I am specifically praying in this fast, that the silenced and muted, their mouths be opened will begin to speak.
Information is attached. There are two options for the fast. Info will be added daily on the website with information on the podcasts.
This Holocaust of the church…may we, the Body, never again allow this to happen again.
Please join me.
I am America’s Grandma.
Kim Chadwell