Dream, Tsunami, Volcano

Holland Tsunami – Gerrie Klijzing

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Holland Tsunami

June 21, 2024 1:54 AM
Gerrie Klijzing

Dream date: somewhere around the 15th of may 2024 at 4 pm.

I was reading and listening to the modern day prophecies and many are about the USA.

So I wrote on a notepad: Jesus Christ, what is going to happen in Holland?

Immediately after writing this I got a dream where people were standing in the street looking a huge grey clouds in the air which reminded me of a vulcano outburst. Then there comes a shockwave with grey clouds coming our way and the people watching went flying through the air because of the schockwave. I dive below a couch in a house and lay flat on the ground. Then I woke up.

Later I found prophecies pointing to vulcano outbursts in Iceland followed by a tsunami which would wipe away and flood the whole of Holland and make Aalten a coast town. So I think I saw that tsunami in my dream. Also I found a prophetic dream on the internet with a tsunami in Holland reaching very high on top of a sky scraper. There used to be a community called the Watchers of the Night in Holland preparing for the tsunami (no longer they exist as a group). They had also published a map where there was some islands left on the west coast of Holland, around from below Haarlem to above The Hague, where the dunes are now on the coast. I now think these island in the west correlates maybe to this following dream I had:

Dream 30th of May 2024:
In Noordwijk will be “the windmill of freedom” where you can flee too during the war.

Word received on 16th of June 2024:


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