Hidden Part 2
11/15/24 11:27 PM
T. Andrew Farley
Previously, on October 8th of this year, the Word of the Lord God came forth and I wrote down what He was speaking to me by His Spirit via the still small voice.
If you didn’t read it yet- you may find the link just below; it’s part 1 of what is now being shared today; may it encourage and edify His true end-time body and those chosen as His Bride. That word is titled: “Now, it is time- are you hidden in Me?” and a link to it is here:
November 16, 2024
Here begins part 2 that He’s prompting me to pursue and share on this subject of being hidden, especially because of the time we’re in! (See another earlier word and pray about it, which was titled: “Time is up!”) Link if you missed it and are led to read it, it is here:
If we believe and discern the times and SEASON- then we know that righteous judgment is increasing dramatically on the earth. (See Is. 26:9) Let’s begin with Proverbs 22:3, which gives us instruction (in evil times) to recognize the evil and “hide” ourselves, assuming we are a prudent man (or woman):
Proverbs 22:3
A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, But the simple pass on and are punished.
Wow, a powerful verse isn’t it? Many of us know it well; the sad thing though is many have never read this instruction. The really amazingly cool thing with this verse, He showed me years ago in a mini (but big!) moment, that this scripture has a “double witness” in the same book of Proverbs, in chapter 27, verse 12.
Proverbs 27:12
A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself; The simple pass on and are punished.
It’s identical (except the word “But” was eliminated in Prov. 27:12) and that’s a very huge “double SIGN”, that we are to pay extra close attention to this instruction!
To foresee evil, we have to have the gifting of “discernment” (of times, situations, etc.) and “discerning of spirits.” (See 2 Corinthians 12 on the spiritual gifts Paul taught us about, and pray for God to quicken you to them if you haven’t already. As a prophetic minister and a bond-servant who’s healed the sick and cast out demons (for HIS glory, not mine), you cannot operate at optimum level without the Spirit of God and these tools.
Also, once you realize He’s gifted you or increased these gifts, never start to think you have a “gift” you can just pull out of your pocket at will, it’s ALL the Holy Spirit and don’t ever take Him or any of the gifts for granted.
Please don’t exalt others as well, and say “He’s got the gift of healing” or she’s “got the gift of prophecy”; this is a set-up for the spirit of pride; exaltation of self or others is in opposition to humility.
The power of Him in and through (Us) His vessels, comes from the position of humility.
Okay- back to “hiding ourselves!” Have any of you ever driven a car right past an EXIT you knew were supposed to take? (Hopefully, I’m not the only one it’s happened to- at least a couple of times in my life?) For one of many reasons (mostly distraction) it can happen- but fortunately it’s rare.
We can’t ignore or miss the double witness billboard to foresee the evil then “hide yourself!”, in the times we are now in. So HOW do we do hide ourselves? What does that really mean?
One wisdom and understanding nugget that the Father has given me according to His Word, is that being hidden is conditional. Let’s take a closer look at that, beginning in Zechariah 2:3 (NKJV) I’m using select underlining below to emphasize the conditional terminology, and the bold to show required obedience to the Word.
Zechariah 2:3
Seek the LORD, all you meek of the earth,
Who have upheld His justice.
Seek righteousness, seek humility.
It may be that you will be hidden
In the day of the LORD’s anger.
Let’s also look quickly at the same in the Amplified version:
Seek the LORD [search diligently for Him and regard Him as the foremost necessity of your life],All you humble of the land Who have practiced His ordinances and have kept His commandments; Seek righteousness, seek humility [regard them as vital]. Perhaps you will be hidden [and pardoned and rescued] In the day of the LORD’S anger.
I think most of you would (hopefully) agree, that these instructions require us to be “SEEKERS” or those who “HEARKEN” to His Word, as conditions. That’s why there’s an “It MAY be” and a “perhaps” in there as shown in the 2 versions, instead of a guarantee.
Here’s a quick link to see verses about “seeking” in both the KJV and ESV, side by side, take a quick look later but soon. https://dailyverses.net/seeking/kjv/esv
Please read these sometime and meditate on them, or do your own study or word search to become a true “Seeker” of not only the things shown in Zechariah 2:3, but other key things that we are encouraged or commanded to seek. The verse that usually comes to mind first for me personally when the topic is “intimacy w/God” and foundational faith, is Hebrews 11:6 which reads:
“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
So clearly, unbelief is one thing that will BLOCK you from being “hidden” in Him, you MUST have faith! This same verse also shows us, we’re not required only to “seek” a list of critical things, but we must be DILIGENT SEEKERS! (The good news is, if we are- He will not only reward us, but it’s very likely He will “hide” us when we need to be hidden!)
This brings me to the “cloak of invisibility” as a primary building block in our walk, to understand one way we are “hidden” in Him! I do not take credit for this “cloak disclosure”, but I testify that: The Spirit of God gave me Rhema word understanding 4.5 years ago on Col. 3:2-4 , and here it is in the NKJV:
2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.
On that day, as I had previously read that amazing verse a number of times, it came alive (Rhema) in my spirit and I heard the Holy Spirit clearly say: “That’s the cloak of invisibility!”
*Important condition to note: you must be submitted to Him fully and surrendered, that’s the equivalent of being dead (To the flesh) so that your life can be hidden with Christ and in Him! (That doesn’t mean you’re perfected yet- but you’re warring against the flesh and a DILIGENT SEEKER of your God and relationship with Him and you trust Him!)
I was so excited about Him revealing this “cloak”, and it’s been a frequent part of prayer and declarations in my walk ever since. He has been faithful in hiding and protecting me in many situations.
I started sharing this, as well as in some fellowship meetings and in the last couple of years I’m hearing others more and more talk about this warfare “cloak”, praise God! The Holy Spirit is leading His remnant and those called to His Special Forces (harvest laborers) to unity and greater understanding, so they may increase in faith and be better equipped for the time we’re now literally in. Thank you Jesus, you alone receive ALL the glory!
I was so excited, because I know how supernatural this war we’re in really is, and our enemy is real and seeking to kill, steal (our faith and other things) and destroy- that’s his mission set. Does it really surprise you that God placed an additional spiritual warfare “cloak” in His word, for a time such as this to those who BELIEVE?
If you’re newer in the faith and don’t know about Ephesians 6 (And who we really wrestle against!) or the Armor of God that we MUST wear in spiritual warfare, then this is going to take you a little while to get them and put them on!
You have to SEEK to understand and in faith, appropriate the full armor and wear it full time- or you’re going to get beat up in many spiritual attacks! (Search the site you read this on for “Armor of God” and I’m guessing a couple of my siblings have likely done some great breakdowns on this subject.)
I’m going to end this encouragement for now. I realize that many of my brothers and sisters here, are already diligent seekers and understand spiritual warfare! However, there are newer members to the body that need equipping and encouragement. On this 2nd part of being “hidden”, it’s my hope that some of you will share this with those you know, love, and care about- who maybe aren’t there yet and they need some encouragement or help.
In the next installment (part 3), I’m going to share a personal testimony where I (And 2 other men of God) learned a huge lesson about faith and hiding ourselves, in a BIG test that God put us in and we almost missed it or dropped the ball! I’m also going to share a dream from a prophet I’ve known for years, that will greatly encourage the body of Christ as well- so stay tuned or come back!
Finally, I’m going to share a prayer for anyone who’s led to pray it. Feel free to edit it for your own heart petition to Him! I ask the Holy Spirit as I type this prayer model to help me!
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank you in the mighty name of Jesus (Yeshua) for your faithfulness in encouraging and equipping us for the times you chose us to be and play a part in! I also thank you for the blood of Jesus over my life and the victory that is already finished in Christ, but is playing out for your glory!
As followers of Christ, we know that persecution is increasing against your sons and daughters. Help me and my family in discerning the times. Increase me and us, in the gifts of your Spirit. Increase the gift of faith in me, and quicken me in discernment overall and discerning of spirits! I also ask you to quicken me perpetually (As you will) in all gifting of the Spirit, to meet any and every future need so that I remain steadfast in You, and not fail in my flesh
Equip me and quicken me into greater wisdom and understanding of everything that I need, to “hide myself” in Christ.
Thank you for giving us the “cloak of invisibility,” and by Your Spirit lead me on when to put it on in faith and trust; for your Word says not only will I be hidden, but it also says that you fight for us in the process! Help us to stand in our salvation and rest (Be hidden) in your peace as you do this!
(Exodus 13: 13-14)
If God be for me, who can be against me? (Romans 8:31-33)
Also, help me to step out boldly in the open to stand against evil, and loose confusion to every agent of destruction sent by the adversary; let them fall into their own traps!
When it’s time to encourage others, help me to show them your love and compassion, and to testify or give witness and bring glory to your Name in the process.
I want to be used by you and not miss any ministry of reconciliation opportunities! Quicken me into the over-comer walk (Revelation 12:11) as you are soon returning, and I want You to find faith in me when you come! (Luke 18:8) Help me to remain fearless and steadfast, in You!
Have your way in my life and let Your compassion and love manifest in and through me; all glory, honor and praise to The King of Glory alone!
-I give witness that Jesus (Yeshua) came in the flesh, sent by the Father to sacrifice Himself after a perfect (Sinless) walk and atone for our sins, through His death, burial and resurrection. Thank you King of Glory for loving us all THAT much!
T. Andrew Farley, Nov. 16, 2024