Heavily judgements coming now, please be prepared
May 16, 2020 3:24 PM
Cornell de Beer
Message recieved on 12/05/2020
Dear friends please take this to Father and pray upon this.
Deuternomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God that is with you. He will never leave you or forsake you.
Colossal destruction is coming. California and New York -bombarding, onslaught. (From previous messages I’ve recieved from Father I believe California area will see a big earthquake very soon and from Fathers message last week some sort of attack on NY area.)
My children there is no more time to fluff around, the hour draw near. Get your houses in order, turn your face to your Father God Almighty. (2 Kings 20: 1-2) The sun will shine and another day will break but for now, prepare for inpact.
Catastrophic destruction, inhuman habitations, colossal cataclysm, fear and disaster.
Stay under the wings of Father now like never before and pray for My protection or you will not survive what is coming. I call all My children that is still in hiding to come out of your deserts, pray and drink to the full of my Holy Spirit to quench your thirst. (Revelation 22:17, John 7:37 )
You will experience inhumanly cruel brutal humanity and spiritual attacks like never before. Spirutual Warfare and armouring up in My Godly armour daily is essential, more then ever before. Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ for My strength to stand strong in their faith for if possible, even the elect will be deceived. (Matthew 24:24)
Stay in constant perfect harmony with My Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 4:3 Endaevoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.)
My angels will guard and protect you, use them for your spiritual warfare.
(Hewbrews 1:14 Is not all angels ministering spirits send to those who will inherit salvation?
Exodus 23:20 See I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.)
This is not the time to get lazy, this is the time to spend time with Me and strengthen up. I AM use the bad to give you time to prepare, use it wisely. The wise will full her lamps with My oil, the lukewarm will burn herself and not be prepared. (Matthew 25) Fallen angels, wickedness of the highest calibre will soon be released, kicked out from their heavenlies. You have no idea what is coming, prepare! Ready yourself, guard yourself.(Revelation 12)
The evil will hang themselves on their own ropes that they use to try and ensnare My
children. (Psalm 35:8 Let destruction come upon him unexpectedly, and let his net that he has hidden catch himself, into that very destruction let him fall.) They are wicked, evil, dark. I AM hates them, attacking my beautiful children. They will pay but the wrath is Mine alone. (Psalm 11:5 The LORD test the righteous but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence. Romans 2:8)
The Rightious will proclaim their Righteousness in My Name for My honour and glory. The evil will always just be cowards that hides behind many. They won’t win, it might look like it at one point but that is the rope I’m giving them to hang themselves on their greediness and pride. They will pay for every deed that they’ve committed against My children for eternity.
Beloved the time is near. I am a loving Father but I need to shake some of my children awake. They are still slumbering and not nearly prepared for what is coming. (Romans 13:10 And that knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep, for now our salvation is nearer then we first believed.)
The shaking must happen and soon, in preparation of those asleep. (Hewbrews 12: 26 -27) Heavily judgements is coming. Stay close to Me little children, it is really not the time now to run in the open. You have to stay inside my feathers and under My wings.
The aliens aka fallen angels motherships is waiting and in orbit. They are preparing to invade. Make sure you have a safe harbour in Me, anchor yourself now. Be steadfast be ready. (2 Timothy 2:19) Pray day and night. Any time I call you, even if it is in the middle of the night you must come to Me. It is vital for you to hear My voice to take directions.
Many will not survive what is coming, only staying in Me will keep you safe and protect you. Darling children if you only know what is coming but I have to prepare you, however do not let fear overcome you. YOU HAVE ALL BEING CHOSEN FOR THIS TIME, believe it. Reach deep inside yourselves, you have My strength and My power to overcome everything that comes your way. (Philippians 4:13 and Isaiah 41:10) Stay faithfull and trust Me with all your heart. I am coming quickly.
I love you fiercely little children.
I say soon, do not give up now I AM is with you.
Your Abba Father God.
Proverbs 3: 5-7
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Be not wise in thine own eyes, fear the lord and depart from evil.
The number 9: Which signifies finality, judgement, harvest, fruitfulness, concealment, truth, 9th hour is the hour of prayer, fruit of the Holy Spirit, loving kindness and our Lord Jeshua gives up his life at the 9th hour securing life for the world.
The following part is not part of the original message, this is just key words Father gave me over two days after I’ve recieved this message. (In my last message Father warned about a disaster in East Africa.) Tectonic plates is shifting from the west to the east. Tanzania, Zanzibar, Madagascar, Botswana, Hawai, Morroco, Columbia, New Orleans, Mexico, Colorado, South California.
Washington DC under water. 8.5 magnitude earthquake. Cosmic catacalism is nearing earth. Trafalgar square dead bodies, apparent climate change blamed for disasters. These are normally just confirmations from previous messages or sometimes new information which I can refer back to but thought to share it with you. I have no further details other then this.
I have also recieved the 18th, now I never get a date from Father and personally I do not like dates to much. But if it is from our Lord then I must at least put it down, I do not want blood on my hands. I believe it’s possibly a date for some sort of disaster. (Please note this is not a rapture date, our Lord do not like that as far as I’m aware).
Again please pray upon this to our Lord, thank you God bless.