Testimony, Word

Heavenly Treasures, Rewards and Gifts – McKana


Heavenly Treasures, Rewards and Gift

March 4, 2022 9:17 PM

March 4, 2022

Isaiah 65:24
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

Romans 8:18
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Today, I am here to tell you how good God is. How good is God? I have to be honest from my heart, God is perfectly good. Yes, we all know, He gave His life for our sin, to give us everlasting life in the Kingdom of heaven. Is that all? No. What the Lord has done for me, for us, is inexhaustible, uncountable, immeasurable. No one can count life everlasting, no one can measure the love of God, the lovingkindness of God, God is perfect and what He gives us out of His grace is not describable by any measure.
Our Loving Father in Heaven says to me “He, will do everything for you.” How did that happen? I have lived a life good, bad and worst. I have lived life tormented by the enemy. You have seen the testimony I gave telling, I have drunk my life in a “Brocken glass.” I cried to God for long and our Father appeared in the open sky with His might and glory. I said “Our Father You have forgotten us!” not singular me, I said us. That cry to God came from the miserable life I lived. The answer received from our Father, for all, telling us Jesus, the Truth, the only Son of God, the hope of all nations will do everything for us is true to live the test of time.

As the scripture tells us the Lord says “it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24 (KJV). Yes I am a living witness for the truth of these scriptural words.

In the past, I have hinted some of the treasures, the rewards and the gifts given to me. Every one has his/her share. Here again, I am obliged to say few words about the goodness, the kindness, the immeasurable love the Lord has for all of us. We are His little children. The Lord does beyond we have ever asked and surprisingly much greater than we can ever imagine. No one deserves anything. We are all sinners. No man’s work is good enough to deserve what the Lord gives. As it is written, it is not by work but by the grace of God. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV). We are all beggars but we have to be good beggars through prayer to ask the fever of the Lord.

I pray, I complain much which I am not supposed to do, I have angered my God but out of the pain I suffered with the evils of the enemy. I come back and repent, the Lord hears, understands, feels what we go through, our tears and our pain. Sometimes, the long silence is the measure of the patience of the Lord. The Lord, hears, sees, know everything, not only our deeds but our heart and mind too.

It is good to be thankful, It is good to praise the Lord, it is rewarding to worship, fear, honor, revere and trust the Lord.

I have received much, beyond my imaginations to praise the Lord. I can’t repay the Lord, at least I can say few word about how good the Lord is. Sometimes, the Kindness and mercy of the Lord makes me cry.

Few word:-

1. Gift of life-Family.
Jesus has my loving mother which I saw many times and with a beautiful golden crown., my father, my grandfather which the Lord dug out from the grave and took to heaven while I am watching-in a vision.

2. Gift of life-Relatives.
Jesus has my brother in laws, the mother of my brother in law.

3. Gift of life-Dear Friends
Jesus has my two dear precious friends. The two who I love much, I saw preparing the boucquet of flowers for the wedding supper of the Lamb

4. The gift of life-Little ones
For a sinner like me, Jesus has many little ones as a gift of life. One of them, the little girl which I gave testimony about and a number of boys which I saw many times. The little girl and the boys have fluffy, beautiful “Canine” friends. No further details. I repent of mu sin.

5. Gifts of friends
When I ask the Lord the presence and the look of life forms in other planets of outer space, Jesus gave me a house friend, a long “shepherd Canine,” very colorful, beautiful.

6. The heavenly Mansions.
Jesus has heavenly mansion for us, bright white and beautiful. The second heavenly mansion the Lord showed me is like “The Palace of the Kings” big, decorated with gems of variety of colors not present on earth, glaringly beautiful to behold.

7. A place of honor, task and responsibility.
All of us have a place of honor, responsibility and task in heaven, so do I and I am given words.

8. Words of promises- “You are Mine!”
Jesus made me His own saying in stern strong words “You are Mine!”, is this not enough by itself? People, let us love our God who is doing all this for us. I am left with tears even writing this sentence. I don’t deserve anything but the Lord, by His grace lifted me up from the dust. The little poor child is no more poor. I can say with joy, I have God who has everything. Praise power and Glory.

9. Walking through the Rainbow.
Jesus walked me through the rainbow. I even draw “The hall of gace of rainbows” the Lord walked me through and gave a testimony about right in this site.

10. The gift of a Jacket
I had a beautiful jacket which I grew out of without wearing it. It has been sitting in the hanger for long, no time to wear it. I saw the same gentleman’s jacket prepared and saved for me. Jesus know every aspect of our life. The Lord did that to show His love, His care. I saw the jacket, heavenly jacket saved for me as a gift which above all humbled me saying there is nothing I can say except THANK YOU LORD! Equal to the deed, the thought. I am no one, I am nothing but the Lord made me His own. There is no enough praise to the Lord for to all this.

Yes, no heavenly force, no earthly power can separate us from the love of our God. It is written “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” Romans 8:35 (KJV)

11. The Crown of life.
Few years earlier, Jesus says “What matters is the crown of life, the rest is nothing” That is the everlasting life the Lord has give to His little children, US, by His grace and I am shown a beautiful golden crown. And as well many, many talents of gold.

12. “I created you new.”
The corruptible is created again and the corruptible is to be created incorruptible in the final journey to the Kingdom of heavenly of our Father.

13. The promises of the Lord.
All the little children of the Lord have received promises of all sorts here in life, me too, many many to count, kept confidential.

14. And as well many, many talents of gold.

Dear family of our loving God, this is a sample of what is stored for us. I have shared just a little of what the Lord has done for me/us with humbleness and humility.

All the visions, dreams and revelations the Lord gave us, the provisions, the protection in our life time is worth praising the Lord. The creator of everything created has shown His love for His creation.
When we reach there, the shower of gifts which we have no idea nor are prepared for is ready for us. It is written

“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9 (KJV)

“But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: Matthew” 6:20 (KJV)

Praise The Lord! Praise The Lord! Praise the Lord!
let everything that has breathe praise the Lord!



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