“Fast and pray. There are things coming, developing, for which you will need to hear my voice distinctly and clearly to navigate. Wickedness will soon break out into lawlessness as the forces of darkness attempt to extinguish my light in my children, ministers and servants. My church is going to come under severe attack from the enemy, the likes of which have not been seen since the days of the early church when Rome slaughtered my children and fed them to wild beasts for sport and entertainment of the masses who hated them for speaking the truth. Just as millions of saints had to live underground then, the devil intends to isolate and subjugate all who speak in my name, including you. Especially you. His attacks will be relentless, oppressive, unjust and for some, deadly, exactly as my word clearly states concerning the presently opening fifth seal.
The endless deceptive, legal persecution of Donald Trump is a sign and a warning to my church that they shall face similar and equally intense persecution, and his persecution is the beginning of what my church faces. That persecution us no longer ‘imminent” but it has begun, as you shall soon see, as the news media becomes obsessed with ratings and begins taking down ministries that are tainted with the spots and wrinkles of world, and they will be driven by the whims of the antichrist, Barack Obama, whom they adore. There-in lies his great power to persuade the world to reject me and to accept him as their pseudo savior, as he endorses every manner of sin to hide his own debauchery and wicked rebellion against me, which shall be readily evident to all who desire to be mine.
My word has been preached throughout the land. My gospel of salvation and redemption is clear, concise and available to anyone who wants the truth. There are none who seek after after me. None who desire to forsake sin that they might come before me to be saved and know me. There are none who desire to be transformed into my likeness. Thus my judgment must begin, which will shake millions out of their complacency when they realize that their very lives are dependent upon me. That is what will bring the true “end times revival” that raises the spiritually dead to life.
Great spiritual darkness is coming upon the earth, just as it did literally in Egypt and in Sodom and Gomorrah the night my judgment took all of the firstborn males and just before I destroyed those wicked cities with fire. There is no hidden truth left to persuade the people to repent. Their hearts are hardened by their own choices. The whole nation from top to bottom has rejected walking with me, less those who are already truly mine. You have rightly discerned that I have no sorrow or regret for that past destruction, and the day that the United States of Satan are destroyed with my consent will be the same. The sins of America are as a deadly spiritual virus, like the lies of the COVID-19 “pandemic,” destroying souls for eternity, even targeting babes and sucklings that are mine.
Be diligent in all that I command of you to do. Be tender of heart towards my spirit of correction and conviction, quick to repent. When you are wrong, you are wrong, so immediately admit it and repent.
Do not cast the pearls of my word before men, for like filthy swine, they will only trample my holy word and then turn on you to gore and eat you alive. Instead, listen to and obey my still, small voice and I will lead you to those I have ordained you to speak to. Many shall be cast into prison for speaking of me and of the sacrifice of my son by those who choose to be offended rather than repentant. Those who find themselves in such a situation have a ministry in those prisons and mental institutions where they will find themselves, unfairly accused, and they must realize that being behind bars and locked doors is a small price to pay to reach those who are called to be heirs of salvation. Always remember that the blood of my son was shed for all, including the worst of the worst of sinners, and his blood cleanses them as well as you. Convert and disciple them that their lives not be a total waste and that their names be written in the blood of my son Jesus in his book of eternal life. I value souls over circumstance, no matter how harsh. Thus my children shall learn to love not their own lives, even unto death, and they shall learn to be servants of my heirs- which is a great honor.
Be of good cheer, my little ones, especially in this present and deepening darkness. It is the last days and very soon, at the time of my choosing, you shall finish your race and will be brought into my presence forever. Encourage one another in that. Walk before me in holiness that you not bring embarassment and shame to yourself before my holy angels who live with you in wonder at the great gifts I have for you, including your salvation. Meditate upon my word, worship me in spirit and in truth, love one another even as I have loved you, forgive all who sin against you, for that is a testimony to all that you are mine and that I am yours, your heavenly father and your righteousness through the blood of my only begotten and sinless son, Jesus.
Judgment hammer and horses Feb 15, 2020 10:40 AM Steve Holmes Saturday, February 15, 2020, 5:30am I awoke at 4:15am to the voice of Yahweh. "Howl ye, howl ye, for Rachel's children. For I sought them, but they are not." He was speaking concerning aborted children. I replied, "No, Lord-…
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Luke 6:38 NLT
Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”