Gross Darkness,Transformation And Rewards
3/21/25 11:38 AM
Sammy Omosh
Psalm27:5 For he will hide me in his Shelter in the day of trouble.He will conceal me under the cover of his tent.He will lift me high upon a rock. Abba showed me a beautiful cliff of rocks high in the mountain.
On 14/3/25. In this vision I had an urge to go and pray there for Many days even if I was just alone.
Exodus10:21 Then the Lord said to Moses, stretch out your hand toward heaven that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt,a darkness to be felt. So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven and there was pitch darkness in all the land of Egypt three days. They did not see one another,nor did anyone rise from his place for three days, but all the people of Israel had light where they lived.
Amos8:9 And on that day declares the Lord God,I will make the Sun go down at noon and darken the Earth in broad day light. Praise the Lord my brethren.What iam about to tell you came as a shock and surprise to me today!
On 16/3/25, I woke up suddenly after 1am and I walked to the kitchen and sat down.i communed silently before the Lord.When I had finished,I realized it was after was as if the Lord was right there sitting with me.And I asked him silently –“What should I expect on my birthday or there about?” Well iam not used to celebrating birthdays,so I don’t know what came to my mind to utter such a Statement and making that Child-like inquiry.My birthday is around mid April.With that said,let me do a recap of selected three revelations of the past,followed by seven most recently.
In mid September 2018,I saw this vision in the early hours of the morning.We were in a Church service i used to attend then.i saw the Senior Pastor standing in the pulpit.The members were sitting as if waiting for the sermon of the day.This usually comes between 11.30am and noon. But then a terrific darkness struck and everything came to a standstill!
In 2015 I saw darkness happening in broad daylight.People were caught unawares and many started running.The Lord then narrowed it to specific people I knew who were screaming and running.These gents and ladies worked in a cafe near where I used to live then.We shared the same entrance gate. I had to tell all of them about this future Event. (I didn’t know it would take this long then.i pray they have not brushed aside this vision because it has taken long to be fulfilled.) They asked me how they should prepare for it.And I told them by way of salvation first and then the physical part to follow.The six of them were very receptive to the message, despite working on Sundays. The Aftermath of the darkness:
In 2016, I saw in a revelation,many large Business Establishments affected by the darkness.Manufacturing firms halting production,hotels, restaurants and stores operations paralysed after the 3dds.Water was scarce in many homes and Business E enterprises.Many dead bodies were found outside and even in one of the encounters I walked to a hotel around 1pm and ordered lunch.i was told by a lady attendant-“Lunch will be ready at 3pm”.
Fast forward to 15/3/25 I see a house with about three people.The windows are sealed and the owner of the house is standing next to the window.However he doesn’t peep outside.He seems knowledgeable about the 3dds Event.From the way this vision is presented,the light outside was streaming in.Meaning the darkness had ended and he was taking precaution before opening the curtains.Even Noah did a test next to his window by sending a dove which came with a twig in her beak.Denoting the flood waters had subsided.(Genesis8:11).
On 16/3/25 This is where I am picking up the Lord,s doing.From around 3.30am to about 5:41am when I finally opened my eyes from a heavy sleep,I was being shown the exploits of the transformed ones.Eg they could race against a speeding car on a highway.Do you remember Elijah racing ahead of Ahab,s chariot.(1kings18:46)The scenes kept shifting like that of a movie but it was the same theme-TRANSFORMATION. The transformed ones will have a body that can run very fast,walk on water like Jesus did,walk inside flames of fire,fly in the air and walk right thru a was one long scene after another.You know how your eyes feel like after being on the computer,Tv or cell phone screen for long.That,s how I felt like on waking up -A little bit tired.
A few years ago,I saw the transformed ones going all over the Earth and proclaiming loudly -“The King is Coming!” “The king is coming!”in a repeated manner.This Event is a precursor to the Catching away of the remnant Church .it will be a wake up call for the slumbering church and unbelievers. Many concur that it will take about 40 to 50 days just like Jesus was on Earth after resurrection.Most recently I heard people will get cars.(Folks will be ushered to this last ministry.They will be energized supernaturallly with a kind of ‘kinetic Energy ‘so to speak like a moving,s not physical car.).
***in all my encounters about this event,I have not seen kids featuring anywhere.I cannot say I know there fate.i can only guess probably like you do.
***Well after the 3 days there will be confusion,chaos and un rest.Many in various churches will seek the truth about what happened.Electricity will not be readily available.
***We all live in different time zones.When darkness hit my country at noon time,for example,it may be early morning in the Ame ricas,early evening in Australia and Newzea land,late morning in Europe,early afternoon to evening in Asia and about the same time in middle South America and the Caribbean islands it will be early morning. You may for example be waking up and forced to continue being indoors.
***in this website, many watch men and women have given instruction on what to do.Please if you are new to the site educa te yourself on what you are to do.Don.t panic, nothing has happened as of now.
***There are precursor Events to happen before the darkness descends.They have to happen first and if not there still will be no darkness as stated. I went before the Lord again at the same time as I have stated previously.
This was on 17th March2025.i asked Him-“What should we expect in the month ofApril?”. Then he showed me two gentlemen entering a is dark outside.A supernatural sleep overwhelms them as they sleep in their beds.i then hear by voice-“MANY WILL GET LITTLE REWARDS IN HEAVEN.”This is because they are so much attached with worldly things.Eternal matters are put in a distance shelf. This matter I am relaying here is a disruption to their Worldly plans.Simply put-THE WORLD IS A BETTER PLACE THAN HEAVEN ACCORDINGTO THEM.
in the last segment of this revelation -iam with a certain person at a place.Then a strange man comes toward us and request us to pray for his teenage son.He told us he is DEAD already. (Remember the story of Jarius daughter.)I have never done that kind of assignment before in this will be a tall order for me.We rushed and found him DEAD and lying in bed.i said to the man-”He is unconscious”.Jesus said of Lazarus-”Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep,but I go to awaken him.”John11:11.i laid my right hand on his forehead and proclaimed-“in the name of Jesus rise up and live!”Life came back to a still motionless body and he kicked his legs severally signifying life came calling again. Luke12:35 Stay dressed for action and keep your Lamps burning. The coming Transformation will be like the Transfiguration(Mat17:1-13.).
1.)Yeshayah(Son of man/God,the bright and morning star,the Lilly of the Valley and the Rose of Sharon.) will be the central figure . You will see Him as He is.
2.)We will shine with the radiance of God,s glory and our garments sparkling White.
3.)Supernaturally we will be able to interact with the saints gone before us.Elijah and Moses were seen by the disciples.
4.)The holy spirit will overshadow us and we will hear the trinity of God,which is one in unison well.Our senses will be heightened to a new level.
5.)it will be the first fruit rapture for the select few out of the many from the world wide church . This will be done in secret by the Lord himself.Who told you the Lord is not secretive? Didn’t He not tell his”inner cabinet” the three disciples not to tell anyone the wonder they witnessed until he was taken up after resurrection?
6.)instructions will be given by the Comman der incharge to his vast Army.This will be given at a secret location.During the Transfiguration the meeting point was on top of a mountain.
7.)There will be terror on the Earth in those days.The disciples were afraid and terrified of what they saw and buried their faces on the ground.
in an earlier revelation in December 2021,I saw mixed reactions-some folks were attracted to these people and some ran away from them.When a non believer sees someone flying in the air against the law of gravity,and then lands down on the ground. Don.t you think his/her heart will melt?Some may think it is witchcraft.Even the act of dis appearing from the place of abode will terrify fellow family members who have never got this revelation before.The entire world will be turned upside down.i don.t know the methodology of estimating time again after the 3days of gross darkness.This is because time will come to a stand still on the very first day of this thick darkness. Could job had foreseen this darkness when he said-When I waited for light, darkness came (job30:26)
***When Yeshayah died on that cross at noon time, there was darkness over that entire known land(Mark15:33).The darkness lasted for 3 hours.Could that have been a foreshadowing of future Events?Only this time worldwide darkness for 3 entire days.
***There will be supernatural light in the house of true believers.They will not fear the darkness.John1:5 The light will shine in the darkness and the darkness will not overcome it.
On 18th march 2025 I was awakened at the same as the other two previous times.i reminded Him,our father Abraham bothered Him when he wanted to know if He would destroy the righteous with the wicked in the city of Sodom.He started his count at fifty and went down till ten.Gedion did his fleece test twice.i reminded Abba with finality high lighting that it,s an important Event and I am paying an ultimate price writing it for the readers worldwide.This is because of what He showed me thro my initial inquiry.
So I asked with finality-Lord what is coming in April?And if it is this gross darkness,can I see it as a final confirmation?i did not do this thrice because I am doubting,but for the sake of the readers.This is proof that the heavens have resolved to unleash this Event on the Earth.
At 5am,iam awakened from this revelation. I am with my cousin talking inside the house. .We are sitting in the exact spot I have been praying and inquiring from Abba himself.i opened the door and I go outside.What I saw was unbelievable! Horrendous darkness that I could not see the people standing within a few yards from where I was. A dog was near my feet as if stranded and needing help. I rushed back to the house where there was light.Outside the house we have a well lit security light.Even the house down a few metres which has normally powerful security lights was swallowed in the dark my conversation with my cousin,I could remember him saying _”Death”.Remember the ninth plague in Egypt was darkness and the final tenth plague was not that similar with what this darkness will bring in our time?
On the 19/3/25 I still woke up at the same time for my devotion,to commune with the living water This particular subject was not in my mind now ,as I had put it to rest the previous day.i retreat back to sleep and I find myself in a big thriving town known as Kisii.i walked inside a hotel called Storm, located near a stream of goes extremely dark while I am inside this establishment.It was lunchtime and suddenly it was extreme ly dark.The Storm of darkness had visited me while I was here.A customer was on the verge of entering while outside and exclaim ed-“Ooh blackout,it is dark!”On waking up,I glanced at the time and it was 03:26am.inst antly Ruach tells me-“Add the numbers of the time”. Simple math-11, meaning Judgement time.
On 20/3/25 While praying in the morning at 3am,I hear in the spirit –
“isaiah60:1-3 and tell them it is NOW!”Our power went off last night and iam in darkness (a prelude to what is coming ?) Though I know the verses off head,I grab a flashlight and open my bible to read:Arise shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you .2) For behold darkness shall cover the Earth and thick darkness the people, but the Lord will arise upon you and his glory will be seen upon you.3)And Nations shall come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising .
I go back to sleep but not before long I wake up at 4:56am from this revelation .I see a writing in bold black marker pen,on the front side of a calendar (it,s very dark as I am caught up in this vision but I am graced to see it.)it says-THE RAPTURE WILL HAPPEN AND THE INTERNET WILL BE OUT.The same morning I hear-“Some will leave and others will stay.“(remain-The left behind.)
On 11th August 2019 I saw power black out and thick darkness everywhere!
Then on 22/2/22 I saw the internet blackout.i saw many businesses affected by the occurrence.Their will be no work in many offices.Their will be no money in the ATM machines.This will be the first Step towards a Financial collapse! Read the few select(there are many valid and true voices out there )voices that validate this revelation that started on the 15th March 2025:
1.)One of them says-‘Last summer 2024,he was told -“This is going to be your last summer here.”He goes on to say that the Lord has been right about everything else He has told him before.
2.) This believer kept asking Yeshayah when he will be back.On March the 17th 2019,on waking up a male audible voice said-“April.” He was in awe as this was the first time he experienced this!He knew it was the Lord,s voice.He goes on to say ever since he has watched every April and this will be the 7th one!in a way he could be right since the Transformation is a first fruit rapture.
3.)A beloved saint in the visions of 2016 heard-SPRING RAPTURE AND SPRING WEDDING.
4.) On you tube back in March/April 2019 Linda Courtney was shown something spectacular happening around Passover! Check it for yourself. . .
5.)Sis Kerry Ann was shown this Event of gross darkness back in 2021 happening in April,but no year was given.She talks about the preparation needed for the darkness.
6.)Sis Vicky goforth Parnell has some wonderful insight on the Event and the subsequent preparation on the 3dds.
7.)Sis Julie wheedbee has some deep insight on the subject First fruits and the Transformation .You can read on her blogsite-behold he comes.
The Lord has spoken daily beginning the 15th till the 21st March! That is very unique of Him, regarding his dealings with me!This tells you that something is just ahead of us! i cannot end this message without mentionin g what was recently posted here on the subject missing persons and also bro Alvarado,s vision saying destruction will begin in 2 months.
THE LORD HAS SPOKEN AND SO SHALL IT BE.May His Eternal grace be upon us.May his peace shelter us.May His love surround us and May his shield protect us always until all of us meet beyond the streams of water ie that beautiful shiny and sparkling river.And may we(all of us reading) be accounted to escape the things(evil, hardship and tribulati on ) coming to the Earth.Amen.
2Sam22:10 He bowed the heavens and came down:thick darkness was under his feet.
Genesis15:10 As the sun was going down,a deep sleep fell on Abram.And behold,dread ful and great darkness fell upon him.
Job5:14 They meet with darkness in the day time and grope at noon day as in the night.
Isaiah 21:11 The oracle concerning Dumah One is calling to me from Seir,”Watchman what time of the night? Watchman what time of the night?”The watchman says: Morning comes and also the Night:if you will inquire, inquire,come back again.
Isaiah 26:20 Come my people,enter your chambers and shut your doors behind you,and hide yourselves for a while (3dds?) until the fury(judgement)has passed.
1cor15’51 Behold I tell you a mystery.We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed.52)in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet.For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperi shable and we shall be changed.53))For this perishable body must put on the imperisha ble and this mortal body puts on immortality 54)When the perishable puts on the imperis Hable and the mortal puts on immortality then “Death is swallowed in victory?”. The above verses are synonymous with 1
Thessalonians4:16-18-For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command,with the voice of an Archangel and with the sound of the trumpet of God.And the dead in Christ will rise first.17)Then we who are alive who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we will always be with the Lord.18) Therefore encourage one another with these words.
***I forgot to write these verses in the earlier revelation I was given by the Lord.Now there we go,The catching away of the bride has been spoken about twice now.
***There is a level of repentance and holine ss required before you are transformed in the darkness.Many believers who are not transfo rmed will be jealous,upset and mad.Pastors and Church leaders be prepared for the ensu ing chaos and fights inside the church.You will have to bear the brunt for how you Shep herd the flock!
***Order of Events ÷Transformation to glori fied bodies of the bride,then the brief Great soul harvest paving way to the Catching away of the guests at the wedding supper of the Lamb.
***Daniel,s 70th week will begin for the rest of the unrepentant sinners-The great tribulation.The man of sin will be revealed to the world by first signing a peace treaty.- Daniel 9:27.
***it,s my belief that the calendar days of the Earth will start to be shortened that many may be saved alive-Mat9:22.
***The Second coming will take place-Mat24’29-31.
***The millennial kingdom will be establish Ed on Earth by Yeshayah -Rev20:1-6.
***Then the great white throne judgement -Rev20:11-15. ***A New Heaven and a New Earth will be created.Rev21.
*Micah7:8 When I sit in darkness,the Lord will be a light to me.
Jonah1:17 And the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah.And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and threw nights.
Joel2:10 The Earth quakes before them,the heavens tremble The sun and the moon are darkened and the stars withdraw their shining.
Zephaniah1:15 A day of wrath(judgement)is that day.A day of distress and anguish,a day of ruin and devastation,a day of clouds and thick darkness.
On 21st March 2025 at 3:36am I wake up from a vision of Exam scripts being returned. Just last month,I saw a scroll nicely folded and it was handed to me.i saw my full names and the grades I had scored.Sometimes I see the scripts with an overall percentage.We are continuously assessed by our High priest after the order of Melchizedek/The Chief Rabbi himself.We shall all appear at the Bema judgement seat of Christ.Our entire lives here on Earth is likened to Examination, no wonder the trials and temptations we encounter in this life.How you live and what you do,plus what you endure makes you an overcomer.To the watchmen and women,it is not an easy task doing your assignme nts over the attracts mockers,scoff ers and unbelievers,even from within at times,based on the nature of the warnings.I have heard statements like-the 3dds is a myth.Others have said they don’t believe in dreams and visions.’They believe everything we say is simply guess work hence false. Well you are going to pay a heavy price for your ignorance.33%of the bible is prophecy for your information.Why should I be writing this message everyday since the 15th March at very odd hours,if I myself think it,s not important? Believers will get the crown of glory,crown of life (Martyrs crown), crown of rejoicing,and crown of victory(victors crown) ***Just being eager about the End times and looking forward to the coming of the Lord in the air, automatically qualifies you for a special crown in Heaven.How many crowns are you striving for on that day? We are marching to Zion, beautiful beautiful Zion,We are marching unto Zion,the beautiful City of God.Glory to the lamb(He has redeemed us by his blood.He took the burden of the cross upon his shoulders.if it were not for him we would have died in our sins and condemned in eternal flames.This is the central message the so called most modern Churches have forgotten to preach is so sad to trample underfoot the blood and the cross.iam glad he who died for me is ALI VE in 2025 that’s why He has released. these messages this week.. Rev7 and 14:The 144k are sealed and The lamb unites with the 144k. Revelation16:15 Behold iam coming like a thief!(A thief steals precious items after breaking in the house. Commodities of substance.He is gonna break through the clouds on that secret day that he has now marked and snatch his precious jewels.) Blessed is the one who stays awake; keeping his garments on,that he may not go about naked and exposed.
{Day of rapture} Revelation19:6-9 {The Marriage Supper of the lamb}. 6)Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of Many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out”Hallelujah!For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. 7)Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory for the marri age of the Lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready. 8)it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen bright and pure.For the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. 9)And the Angel said to me,”Write this; Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb.”And he said to me,”These are the true words of God.”.
***After the world endures the Great tribulati on,the above glorious and much anticipated Ceremony happens in Heaven. I heard today-“Time Will be compressed.”.
***Those are the additional messages Ruach added,that,s why I have divided the Message into two components.
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