Ali Winters
Great will be the heartache of many. You have been given hard words, but these are hard times yet My sheep continue to roam unconcerned and unaware among the wolves knowing not My Word, My Will or My Way.
America will be brought low by hands that have shed innocent blood, by those whose hearts and minds are governed by the unrighteous and unholy in their midst. Murder, homosexuality, perversion…the guilt and stain of sin cover this nation.
My people remain defiled and pathetic in their praise of Me. You have allowed evil to consume My holy things. None cry at the gates of My tabernacle. You have lost your first love and now sin reigns where once love for Me ruled. Many are dull of hearing…words of Truth escape them as they delight in the faithless folly of false teachers and pastors who have a form of godliness but deny the power. I will be LORD of all to this wicked and perverse generation or the gods of your desire and delight will rule over you.
Millions are not ready for what is coming upon the earth. Millions are blind to what is going on. See the perversion of this nation. Stand at the highways and byways and see what you as a people have become. You have placed your hopes and dreams in a man expecting good while ignoring the evil that has swept across your land consuming all in its path.
Man has a shallow, narrow image of I AM. He does not understand My power or My strength. Man grows weary of the fight refusing to rest and be refreshed in Me, he languishes in self pity, self-reliance, false hope and rebellion, moving farther away instead of drawing closer to Me.
“And He began to teach and say to them, “Is it not written, ‘MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL THE NATIONS – But you have made it a robbers den….’ Mark 11:17
Now I will shortly pour out My wrath on you and spend My anger against you; judge you according to your ways and bring on you all your abominations.” Ezekiel 7:8″
ali at 11:38 AM