Great Evil
August 20, 2022 10:57:55 PM EST
U B Ready
Psalm 52:2-5 2 Thy tongue deviseth mischief; a sharp razor, working deceitfully. 3 Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah. 4 Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue. 5 God shall likewise destroy thee forever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. Selah.
My son, this nation has invited GREAT EVIL upon itself. GREAT EVIL has taken ahold of all facets of this nation – its men, its women, its children, its workplaces, and GREAT EVIL has been invited into My house.
My children, open your eyes as My holy things are profaned in My house. You, My children, say one thing, yet in secret, you do another. In My house you see men with men, and women with women. You see men attired as women, and women as men, and yet you see this EVIL and say NOTHING! My children lack any backbone to stand for what is holy.
My son, GREAT EVIL is every place. Violence that is demon-inspired is in every city, town, and village, and My church hides behind holy doors. My judgments will fall heavy on this weak church. Only by judgment will you get stronger.
My son, My children think I inhabit worship songs written by sodomites and sung by the majority of churches. I DO NOT!!! That music is of the flesh and not of My Spirit. I will punish the sodomites in My house severely. Sores and unending diseases will be their fate.
WOE to you shepherds that refuse to take a stand and call sin, SIN! not a lifestyle!
WOE to you shepherds that take My Word and twist it to fit your milky sermonettes!
WOE to you shepherds that have left your first love and serve mammon!
WOE to you false prophets who say I called you, but I have NOT. Who say I speak through you, but I DO NOT! A millstone is waiting for you.
My son, I speak to My children who follow men instead of Me. I do not favor one, nor do I promote a man. I say now, My children, repent and follow Me. I say, put away your filthy idols and worship Me. I say, because you have allowed this GREAT EVIL in, I will have to rid it. I had to do that before with water. This time it will be fire.
My children, hear Me now. Because you have invited GREAT EVIL into your lives, many will not repent. Many will die in sin because they refuse to believe this word is Mine. I, the Lord, say, REPENT NOW! REPENT NOW! REPENT NOW!!
I AM coming soon for My bride, spotless and pure, holy and righteous. I AM NOT coming for a whore who has allowed every EVIL to penetrate her. REPENT NOW!
The Father and the Lord Jesus
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