8/4/24 3:54 PM
Victoria Ang
All day on 8/2 and night into 8/3 until about 3:30 AM I was in much intercessory prayer. Weeping and travailing in intercessory prayer, for many. For my nation, and nations around the world. For the loss. For blind eyes to be open. For our rightful president and his family. The list goes on and on. While in prayer I got slain in the Spirit to be able to continue in prayer. As my physical body was exhausted.
I finally went to sleep at about 3:30 AM and was given a prophetic encouraging dream.
In the dream I was assisting in the delivery room. (In real life I am an RN) For the babies being born. I was made known I was helping in my sisters delivery as well. On the table after the delivery were two babies that were my sisters. But the babies still had the embryonic membrane still intact around them after the delivery. There were several other babies that I had helped deliver, in the delivery room. They also still had the embryonic membranes intact. But those babies were from other people I had assisted to deliver the babies, not my sister.
I quickly got on the phone and called my sister to inform her that the babies had been delivered and to quickly get to the hospital. Because the membranes were about to erupt!….. I was so excited!! The dream ended!
The Spiritual gifting and blessings from the Lord, that some have been in training for the end time harvest. Are about to rupture and come forth! And will be fully exposed for all to see!
Joel 2:28-29
New King James Version
God’s Spirit Poured Out
28 “And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
29 And also on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.