Go forth and be my lights TODAY
Sep 5, 2019, 7:38 PM
Dylan Rodriguez
Go into the cities and streets, go today not tomorrow! My church is sound asleep, my church is sleeping! My wrath is about to pour out on this nation (vision of people in streets then blood spilling out from everywhere, I felt an urgency to evangelize to EVERYONE) Go out and gather my sheep, share the gospel TODAY not tomorrow. Go and tell them about me, the harvest is ripe and ready, they WILL listen to you. Go tell my church I am coming to get them in the very few days to come, I am coming NOW it is too late to wait! Go forth and be my lights, don’t hide! Go now! Go and do the work I have set aside for you. Be my healers, be my hands, do my work, call my children home NOW! Today is the day do not wait (vision of a door slamming shut.((rapture!))) Go into the markets and tell them to come to me, come near to me. Bring them near to me on their knees in prayer. Bring them to me. Feed my sheep, feed my children.