America, EMP, Famine


Photos courtesy Pixabay


9/7/24 7:39 PM
Handmaid of the Most High

Received 9/7/24 6:30PM

Jeremiah 17:7-8 KJV
Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. [8] For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

Psalm 56:3-4 KJV
What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. [4] In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

Isaiah 41:10 KJV
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

For months the Holy Spirit has shared with me that there will be an EMP. However, I have waited for details of the specific areas impacted other than that it will impact the Midwest in the United States. Tonight, He choose to speak this Word.

He Said:


You aren’t ready though I have warned for over a decade that you will experience power outages. Some have taken this to mean, rolling blackouts during high usage or brownouts where power usage is limited to certain needs and times. While others thought it would be due to weather such as hurricane damage to the infrastructure.

I tell you this will be different. Enemies lie within your borders. I have warned that they have wicked plans to carry out. Some are working within the dynamic (within the power companies or related industries), while others are on the outside (I understood the Holy Spirit revealing this to mean cyberhackers). The outcome is major power outage in various mid-west states.

Hacking and other forms of sabotage are planned. Some larger size cities will be impacted along with smaller and rural areas. Many services that the community has relied upon will be impacted. Leading to the devastation of most things from not being able to pump gas to not having traffic signals operational. Police and first responders will not be activated when needed (because of outages). Power outages will be far reaching not only will this impact hospitals and nursing homes but other facilities that care for the sick or elderly, if without generators, some patients will die. The generators will only have a limited capacity and the time “off-line” will impact everyone. Electricity is used to purify and process water systems and these will fail as well. Crops and other harvested items will rot where they are since machinery won’t have fuel.

Suddenly, people will have to rely on their own ingenuity to cope. Food supplies will dwindle nationwide and falter because no food trucks will be able to move about to deliver goods.

You are not ready. You will be at the mercy of those, who have invented this problem. Martial law will be enforced in many areas and curfews will be placed upon the region.

Do you have candles? Do you have batteries? Adequate food? Are you ready for a crisis that will continue for months and months? Your fellow country men will be at a loss to help in some areas and those who wish to help, will themselves be hindered by events unleashed where they live, and so, they will be forced to address their own needs first.

Remember the story of Exodus, I AM provided for my people. They had only me. Did you know some slaves remained in Egypt? THERE FAITH WAS NOT BIGGER THAN THEIR DESIRE FOR FREEDOM. Let that be a lesson to you! You can no longer rely on the way things were – everything will be a new reality, the new normal and you can sit waiting for the calvary to show up OR you can place your trust in me to meet your daily needs. You must focus on ME as the NOW God.

I AM the God of Eternity but I AM also the NOW GOD! I meet you NOW, in the Present. It is called the Present because I seek to give good gifts to my children. Those, who trust in Me to sustain them. To be an ever present help in time of trouble. Will you place your trust in Me alone, or will you place your hope and trust on what you can do, or what man can do? You will soon realize that only through Me is there hope for tomorrow. Cast your cares upon Me, for I careth for you! 1 Peter 5:7

Preparing with the necessities is good and I say nothing against that. After all, I told Joseph to store up the grain for the famine that was coming. However, storing up for tomorrow is pointless if you don’t put your trust in the One, who created all things. There are things you forgot that I can supply. There are things you don’t know, but I AM can teach you. There will be those who will try to take what you have prepared but I will thwart them and they will take little not even seeing the quantity, and be satisfied. Do NOT fear! I AM near! Psalm 9:10, Proverbs 3:5-6

Take my hand, trust in Me. Turn to me and ask. Did I not bless Solomon with great gifts for his desire to know wisdom? Does it not bring Me joy to commune with you? It is My Good Pleasure to offer you what you need when you need it. I AM God, Your Heavenly Father. I AM not I was. I AM the Great I AM. The God of this moment and the Future. Jeremiah 29:9-11

I love you. Trust Me. Follow after me. Be My Child and I Will be YOUR GOD!



Scribe Note 1: The region impacted has a lot of farmland which will be severely impacted because there will be no gas or electric power to facilitate the processing of grains or animals (milking cows as one example), this will cripple the food distribution as well leading to scarcity and hunger. The enemies intend to bring America to her knees.

Scribe Note 2: I found the following list which may be a great resource about relying up the Lord.

21 Bible Verses on Trusting God | Cru


Genesis Chapters: 37, 39-45


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