George Soros Dream
9/21/24 1:49 PM
Olasubomi Williams
I saw in my dream George Soros coming down from a plane into the airport and when his bags were being unloaded, there were so much bags coming out of the same colour. The colour pink and there were several of it coming out of the conveyor belt, it almost seemed endless. Someone then asked, what it was for and he then said, don’t worry you’ll see soon enough.
Words of Yahshua
George Soros is bringing sterilisation and neuro-biological malicious vaccines to Africa with the help of Bill gates. This is to destroy Africans specifically Nigerians and south Africans. The government will persecute many Nigerians to take it and many south Africans are going to take this willingly. However what the enemy uses for evil, the lord YAH uses for good. I will deliver these people to confound the wicked. I will use the foolish to confound the wise and the simple things to confuse the wise men of the earth. The evil they are going to spread will end up going back to hit them and their own children. But if my people call on my name, then I will hear from my holy mountain and deliver them.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos