From Dust to Dust
April 17, 2020 4:47 AM
Shane Caldeira
I believe I recieved this word from the LORD Jesus last month but have been hesitant to release it. Please pray over it for a confirmation according to Acts 2:17 and 1 Thessalonians 5:19.
From Dust to Dust
Recieved by Shane Caldeira
3/17/2020 around 10pm
Son of man, write these words that I give to you. Prophesy to the nations. Woe unto those who give suck sayeth the LORD. Woe unto the inhabitants of the land for the devil has come down with great wrath and vengeance to make war with the inhabitants of the earth. Woe unto those that give suck (nursing mothers) for they shall be astonished as their children will have gone missing, but I the LORD have taken them. Woe unto the proud, for they are dust, and worms will they eat.
Shalom in Yeshua Jesus the Messiah
Shane Caldeira