Babylon, Prophecy

Freedom from Despair – Solitary Man

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Freedom from Despair

9/14/2024 4:41 PM
Solitary Man


The sorrow of this world leads to death. Godly sorrow leads to repentance, which leads to eternal life.

My son, can you detect the note of despair in some of the voices in whom I have raised up to fight for freedom? Know this, that just because I raise up one to battle for this cause or that, that does not mean that they know me. I have spoken to many of them, but few have truly responded with godly sorrow. Instead, they are caught up in the fallacy of thinking that they can fight in their own strength. After so many years of doing so, despair now knocks at the doors of their heart. Because they refuse to truly lay down their will and embrace mine, so they are left to fend for themselves, and their strength is waning.

I say these things to warn those in my body. Are you still trying to stand in your own strength? Do you still really think the battle is for national or personal liberty? Are you still trying to save Babylon? Are all your energies being spent on trying to save your nation?

My people have been blessed for so long, that they have forgotten their purpose in life. It is not to preserve political freedom. Your priority is not to fight for personal freedom. If you choose to prioritize these things, despair will eventually be your reward.

No, I am here to remind you of your true purpose. You are my ambassadors. You are here to represent my kingdom. Not to overthrow Babylon, but to invite the citizens of darkness to flee from the wrath to come. You are to invite them not just by word, but by the light you bring when you choose to be truly set apart for me.

Do you wish to be free from despair? Then stop looking to fix Babylon. Put those thoughts out of your mind. Let not the deeds of wickedness dominate your thoughts. Your purpose has always been, and will always continue to be, that you glorify me. Glorify me in all that you do. That includes what you choose to meditate upon. Yes, you are in the world. But never forget that you are not of this world.

For many that are bound and blinded by darkness, you are their only hope. Do they see the Savior when they look at you? What do they really see?

Fear not over what is about to occur. Babylon is about to fall. There will be much loss. Trouble not yourself over these things. Secure your own salvation by giving you heart to my will and my ways as never before. Each and every member of my body is precious to me. You are not unimportant, regardless of how little of how much you think you are called to do. Great peace I give to all my flock, whose hearts are truly fixed upon me. You will need to walk in this peace as never before. Practice walking in my continual presence, while yet there is a little daylight. So you will then be able to walk by the true light within, when the dark of night suddenly appears, when no man can work.

Solitary Man


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