For My Chosen Who Are Now Ready
8/25/24 12:37 AM
You are closing down one part of your life and starting another. All will change and much will be a distant past. You must move forward and leave the past where it sits. Many will be counting on you for their Salvation. I will work thru those who heeded my call. As you become that change, many will follow. Be strong, be virtuous, focus on me (stay away from things that are not spiritual and meaningful).
Your expansion of mind will blow your mind, so to say. Get ready for a journey that takes you to places you never imagined existed. I Am your source as we work together.
08/17/24 (About the Lost)
Each of my children must learn how to navigate their way to me. I Am always in front of them leading the way, but their sense of direction is skewed. Each and every day I put out breadcrumbs to help lead them, but they are not found in many cases. There is nothing that is more important to me than my children’s welfare (salvation). Each of them is precious to me.
Given the times we are living in, most will have to find those crumbs before they trip and fall and can no longer get up (get out of sin). I Am the Savior, I Am the direction, I Am.