Faith comes by hearing
April 19, 2022 8:05 AM

Monday, April 18, 2022, at 17:47
“My daughter, quiet your heart and come to Me. Do not let the things around you bother your heart; your heart should be completely Mine, and no matter what happens, no matter what people say, your heart should not be affected or fluctuated in the slightest way.
Give Me your heart, give Me all that you have, and let Me fill you with My heart according to My will, for you have been crucified with Me, and now it is not you who should live, but I, Jesus of Nazareth, who came in the flesh, who lives in you.
Since it is I who live in you, then you must completely deny yourself and only allow Me to live out fluidly through you, so that it is no longer you that others see, but Me; it is no longer you that they hear, but Me.
Only then your life will manifest My life, those around you and in contact with you will come to know Me through you. You are the clay in My hands, and I Am your potter. Only when you are completely willing to be shaped as I please, then I can mold you into the form that I want you to be, and you, the vessel, can shine brightly for Me, can become a valuable vessel that I can use at any time as I please, a smooth conduit to flow My love to everyone I want it to flow to, and those who are touched by My love can be drawn to Me.
I know that you are just dust, a person who lives in a tent of flesh. I know that you have your weaknesses, but I understand your weaknesses, for I too have experienced what you have experienced while I was on earth, in the flesh.
My precious daughter, give Me your weaknesses and let Me be your strength, you are in Me, and in Me, you are strong.
Unload all your worries and burdens on Me, and let Me carry them for you, share your worries and solve your problems. I Am the Lord of heavens and earth and all things in them, is there anything difficult for Me?
My daughter, I know that many of My children are expecting Me to come and take them away now, they have no love for this world, nor do they want to stay in this wicked and adulterous world for even one more minute. Why would I not want them to leave this dark and evil place as soon as possible?
But My beloved children, have you ever thought about that I created you, and I created others in My image and likeness as well? Think about how you came to know Me, would you have known Me if those who knew Me before you had not interceded for you and preached to you the good news of Me, Jesus Christ? Will you accept Me as Lord and Savior of your lives without it?
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes by the word of Christ. How can you believe without hearing? You are My ambassadors of the gospel on earth, and your mission is to sow the seed of My gospel, My word, but it is I who give the increase.
Do not stop praying for the lost, for the church members who are still sleeping, and for the church that is lukewarm.
Time is really running out now, so do not waste the little time you still have left, stand up, put on the armor I have given you, take up the authority I have given you, fight for My kingdom and for more souls to come into My kingdom. ”
Please take everything to the Lord in prayer
God richly Bless,