9/19/24 1:12 PM
Daniel Masika
On 28th of August on Wednesday 2024 I had a Vision in the Middle of the Night I saw The the group of men, Clothed in the Navy and Army Clothes Busy rescuing People From the Mudslide and all of them were Covered in Dirt for the Operation in Rescuing people and Many people were crying for their loved Ones ,I Heard a voice saying
The Armies You see are the Voice of the one Crying in the Wilderness and have special assignment From the throne of God for the Command has been issued, If they Cant Escape from the Coming Night their mudslides will Cover and swallow them and their Place be taken for their will not be found anymore ,Blessed are their that watch and keep Garment with Wisdom of their will Shine and Obtain mercy from the lamb
Oooh My Lord, what is Escape of the Coming Night I asked? He said The Night is coming on Earth for it will be like a volcano mountain and they that will have a light on them will survive But others will be Swallowed in the Mudslide that will come on Earth as a volcano and their souls will perish.
Them that kept Rescuing people were given power to Rescue more people, I watched and cried for even the Volcano Mudslide had no mercy for women and men that didn’t have the light on them were swallowed and Brought to Nothing Blessed
Much Love
Photos courtesy Depositphotos