Election Dream
9/25/24 8:05 PM
I had this dream four years ago around this time of year. It seems especially relevant today, even though one of the players in this election has changed.
I dreamed that I was at a carnival-type place, and there was a hot dog eating contest. I congratulated one boy on not being gluttonous. The hot dog eating contest was taking place at two booths. One booth was the Trump booth, and one booth was the Biden booth. People were cramming hot dogs down their throats.
I got a behind the scenes look at the hot dogs. They were the same brand, even though they were being presented differently by the people at each of the booths.
This has a pretty simple interpretation. The carnival is the world, which we are to come out of. In this carnival world, we have an attention-getting election which can potentially distract us from God. Hot dogs are a gross food to eat. They are unhealthy, and have traditionally been made with undesirable parts of pigs, cattle and chickens. They have yukky additives like nitrates that can cause cancer. People are sucking up the sickening speeches and claims of our presidential candidates, not realizing that these folks (Harris too!) are two sides of the same corrupt coin.
I am reminded of these verses from Psalm 118:
“It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.”
And also James 4:4:
“Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.””
We MUST have the discernment to recognize that all of this is ultimately related to the world’s system and NOT the Kingdom of Heaven. To put it in the popular vernacular, we should say: “Not my circus, not my monkeys.”
The path to the Kingdom is narrow, and we are to focus on that path, not the election carnival that is selling lies and deception.
I have a video of this dream here:
Thank you!
you are so loved.