Martial Law, Word

EBS Incoming – Cryptic1

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

EBS Incoming

October 25, 2022 11:20 AM

On 9.24.22 I received the word ‘EBS’ from the Holy Spirit. We all know this as the Emergency Broadcasting System which is a WARNING of things to come.

Two weeks ago I saw the word ‘STORM’ on the license plate of a car. This is a metaphor for a STORM that has been brewing for some time. I have shared how there is a soon to be realized military takeover of America and of the world for a season. The time for all this to occur I believe is sometime in October and or November. There is talk of martial law due to many events including economic collapse. I have said to keep cash on hand, food and water.

Be prepared in all things. Get your houses in order and your spiritual houses in order. Big changes are coming soon.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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