Dream of Prepping For A Last Minute Bug-Out Type Scenario
10/29/24 12:23 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel
I woke up on Sunday morning from a dream I had sometime the night before or early that morning. In the dream, I was on my front porch when I saw some kind of military or police aircrafts; they were flying super low as if to spy on our neighborhood. I had a knowing in the dream that this meant military or military-like men would soon follow up on ground and round us up, as you say. I went quickly into my house to get my family ready to leave. As soon as I got inside my front room, all the electricity was turned off, so it was dark.
In real life I’m a bit of a “prepper”, as the LORD began to warn me around 13-14 years ago to prepare for hard times to come. In the dream, I got one of my battery operated camping lanterns or flashlights and looked around. My preps were everywhere in this dream, stacked on large metal shelving units in my front room, the next room over, just everywhere (it’s not like this in reality). But in this dream my preps were all over and hard to see in the dark. I was also flustered because I knew that we had to leave the house as soon as possible, but I was overwhelmed trying to think what I needed for a bug-out type scenario. In the dream (and in real life) I have really only prepared to stay at home in case of a long emergency, and hadn’t packed a smaller set of preps for my family if we had to go mobile and leave in a hurry.
As I walked around with not enough time to think properly, I thought to myself in this dream, “I FELT this was coming, GOD has been sending out the warning in our spirits, why didn’t I prepare when I had plenty of time (and light) to make proper plans and decisions?” I thought, “I wish I had packed up 2 or 3 storage bins a couple of days ago! I didn’t realize it was going to be SO SOON!!”
Then I found myself as if I had woken up within this dream. I saw myself waking up in a bed and seeing my husband and my mother (who is in Heaven in real life) sleeping in this bed with me. I couldn’t believe I had allowed myself to fall asleep in such a serious situation! I began loudly calling for my husband and mom to wake up, saying something like, “What are you doing sleeping? We don’t have time to sleep! They’re going to be coming for us soon! Get up! We have to leave!” I knew the military-type men would be coming around first light and we had to be long gone before then. Again, I felt overwhelmed at having to decide and find what would be the most needed preps to include in these storage bins, how much to pack of our needed items, how much would fit in our car with all of us in there anyway (I felt that 2 or 3 bins would be all the storage we could travel with), and on top of this the pressure of figuring it all out with little to no time now!
I believe this was a clear warning that we all need to stop wasting time and putting off whatever preparations the LORD has called us to while the times are easy and we aren’t in an emergency-style time crunch. This will change in a moment’s time. The LORD JESUS has been so kind and so patient to warn us for YEARS that we need to prepare. At this point it’s foolish and honestly just plain disobedient not to heed HIS warnings and urgings that HE has sent us out of love.
As always, we prepare in faith and not fear and we prepare to share with any the LORD GOD may send us. We need to prepare spiritually, mentally, and materially. Our spiritual preparation through repentance and drawing close to the LORD JESUS in humbled sincerity and full surrender to HIS WORD and ways is obviously top of our preparation list, but the others (mental and physical/material preparations) are not to be ignored, either.
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