America, Dream, Nuclear

Dream: Nuclear Attack on American City – Christine Beadsworth

By Christine Beadsworth

January 13, 2018
Dream: Nuclear Attack on American City

I am not used to dreaming about imminent disasters in such a detailed fashion but the dream I had last night is of a nature that I feel I need to post it as a warning so people can pray:

In the morning watch on 13th January, I had a dream in which I was standing looking at a paved stone patio with people sitting chatting in the sun. There was a low stone wall to the left and the green hill sloped sharply down to a body of water, which may have been the sea. I am not sure. In the distance on the other side of the water was another landmass with a city on the water’s edge. I could just make out the skyscrapers. By this time I was among the people relaxing in the sun. Suddenly there was a red and black flash above this city and the whole skyline turned black. Simultaneously a black cloud began to travel very fast over the water towards us and I could see it was made up of minute black particles. I shouted, “It’s a nuclear attack. Run inside!” and I ran through the double glass doors and closed one side to stop some of the black cloud entering. I kept shouting so people could hear where I was and know which direction to run in, even if they couldn’t see, as I could see people were struggling visually and one man ran full tilt into the side of the building instead of through the door because he was disorientated. Two babies were crawling towards the doorway and I quickly ran and scooped them up and ran back inside. By this time, I could see people lying on their backs with their legs in the air, completely unable to breathe.

We closed the door and a throng of people were going up the stairs. I kept asking which direction the cloud had come from because it seemed I was not in an area I was familiar with, yet I knew it was an American city that had been hit. I kept getting flash images of a completely flattened city with grey ash everywhere, like Hiroshima. Eventually someone told me the city had been east of where we were. I wanted to watch a tv newscast to find out which city had been hit as my knowledge of American geography was limited and I did not know which city was situated alongside a body of water that looked like the sea, with another hilly landmass west of it. However there was no tv available and it occurred to me that this was because of the city that had been annihilated being connected to television stations in some way. There were only people reading newspapers and listening to the radio, as if tv signal was no longer an option.

I woke up very disturbed and began to pray for the Lord to warn His children in that city to flee before the disaster stuck. The fact that people were sitting around relaxed and chatting tells me that this was the first nuclear attack on an American city, and there was no real anxiety or expectation that this would happen. Perhaps it was a city that has not been considered reachable by such an attack. I do not know is the land where I was standing was American land or part of an island or another nation. Perhaps someone can enlighten me. Also, the fact that people couldn’t breathe suggests the addition of some sort of nerve gas in the bomb.


Having studied maps of the American coastline, the only cities I can find which have the geographical details in the dream are:

1)Seattle, with Puget Sound being the water seen, a distance of about 17km for the black nuclear cloud to travel west (which explains how quickly it arrived where I was)

2)San Francisco, with San Francisco Bay being the water seen

3)or perhaps Los Angeles, seen from another part of the city on a hillside.

I lean toward Seattle as the low stone wall and paving seen in my dream appear in photographs taken from San Juan and Orcas Islands towards Seattle, and the skyline of Seattle seen from across the water on the way to Bainbridge Island looks the same as in my dream. However, I could be wrong… pray and ask for clarity.

I did find that Henry Gruver had a vision of Seattle nuked by Russian submarines in Puget sound.

14th Jan postscript: Further research turned up the fact that the Kitsap US naval base is located across the water from Seattle and stocks the greatest concentration of nuclear warheads the USA possesses. An attack on Seattle would throw the area into chaos for quite a while and make the naval base an easy target as they would be in the fallout zone on the Seattle blast. When I read about the extent of the stockpile at Kitsap, I immediately was reminded of the attack on Pearl Harbor and the relaxed atmosphere just before it happened – just like in my dream.


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