Dream, Heaven, Hell

Dream: Hell Could See Heaven, but Heaven Could Not See Hell! – Veronika West

Veronika West

January 29, 2019

A Terrifying Dream…!
Hell Could See Heaven, but Heaven Could Not See Hell!

I wanted to share something I saw in a dream I had concerning Hell a few days ago.

Now I have never dreamed of hell before or had any such encounters before. However as I say, I had a dream a few days ago where I found myself standing in what seemed to be like an in-between place. That’s really the best way I can describe where I was in the dream.
But as I stood in this strange in between place I was shown an incredible thing.
I saw hundreds of thousands of Spirit beings burning in a lake of fire.
I could hear the cries and the shrieks of the tormented spirit beings, but I cannot explain the sound of what I heard, as it was a sound I have never encountered before, (but it is a sound I will never forget).

Now as I looked at the Lake of Fire in the dream, suddenly my eyes were drawn to what looked like a window, but it was not a window.
It was a transparent veil that separated the realm of Hell from the realm of heaven.
Now as I looked at this transparent veil, I could see into the realm of heaven. I could see the beauty, the radiance, the brilliance and the majesty of heaven before me, yet I could not access nor enter nor touch the realm of heaven from where I was standing.
As I remained watching in the dream, it was made apparent to me by the Spirit of Revelation that those who were in the lake of fire always had the sight of heaven before their eyes but they could never enter in.
This dynamic was just one of the eternal torments that those in Hell would be confronted with.
I saw that those in the Lake of Fire would cry out day and night for Mercy while they looked upon the peace, majesty and beauty of heaven.
These tormented souls would always have before their eyes, those who were living in the light and majesty of His Glory.
These tormented souls would even see their loved ones who had chosen a different path from them, and yet there was no way of accessing nor communicating with those that they had once loved.
Hell could see heaven, but heaven could not see hell.
When I awoke, I was left trembling and weeping for those who have died and now living an eternity in the Lake of Fire and for those who continue to die without Christ.
Jesus has made a way of escape, he died so that none should perish.
Pray with me:

Lord Jesus, for too long I’ve kept you out of my life.
I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself.
No longer will I close the door when I hear you knocking.
I now gratefully receive your gift of salvation.
I am ready to trust you as my Lord and Savior.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth.
I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day.
Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life.
I believe your words are true.
Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my Savior.


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