Attack, Dream, Russia

Dream: Blood Moon, Russia Attacking Us, REPENT – India Jones

Dream: Blood Moon, Russia Attacking Us, REPENT – India Jones

India Jones

June 30, 2018 9:49pm

Last night I had a dream. I seen a huge blood moon, It was so beautiful but frightening and I started to repent. In the dream I was hanging out with some old friends in a park we were enjoying the summer weather all of a sudden I seen military planes fly right above us. I screamed Russia is attacking us! They laughed and continued talking and laughing. I said repent repent!!! I looked in my phone and the media was saying Israel was being attacked as well. I was screaming literally running up to people and everyone either ignored or looked at me as if I was crazy. No one cared. which I feel absolutely gave me confirmation to share. Just want to be clear that this was a D-R-E-A-M PLEASE take it to the Lord. Shalom


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