Dream and Word
February 29, 2024 6:06 AM
Daniel Haney
I’d like to start by saying I’ll keep this short in hopes you’ll read the dream and word.
I had a dream about 15 years ago, and when I woke up the holy ghost spoke to me. The dream was so impacting and the word, yet I fell right back asleep. Usually if it was a dream that stirred up my thoughts I’d think and struggle to fall back asleep. I don’t usually remember my dreams. When I wake, I might for a little think of it, but then they fade away over time. This dream was not a “what’s going to happen” dream. It’s a reminder of our mission dream.
I was fishing and right next to the shore. I had a blue runner on for bait. I casted it out and was pulling in a shark. It was sideways right by my feet in the water. I said it’s an 11 foot shark. Then it got off. I looked and saw a little boy out in the water, and a little girl going in the water. I ran out and grabbed the boy then stopped the girl. Dream ended. Then I woke up and the spirit said to me, “you’d warn anyone about a shark attack or a house fire. But would you warn them about eternity? ”
The day is getting close when the sudden destruction will happen. People never become followers of Christ because we are good or by our works. They come to Him by realizing they are a sinner in desperate need of a savior. That hell is real. And only by repentance and loving God and others being washed by the blood of the sinless lamb can we be saved.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos