Earthquake, Prophecy, Volcano

Do Not Pass Go; Do Not Collect $200 – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Do Not Pass Go; Do Not Collect $200

On 9/17/24 3:12 PM


Get ready for all things will be released now, upon the Earth. As one catastrophe starts, another one begins. There will be no sure footing as you walk on the ground below you. Sinkholes, rumblings, earth shifting, magma heating of the Earth, with eruptions that follow. All infrastructures ruined, no public utilities, no help. All will be on their own as my corrections/judgements occur. Have you prepared to get on the Ark? Have you done what is necessary to avoid these judgements? Have you followed me; can you hear my voice? Have you prayed, repented, and shed all sins? If so, you have a boarding pass. If not, you must start over or refine or get back on the narrow road that leads you to I Am. Do not pass GO; do not collect $200.00 (a game called Monopoly is referenced here).

I wait patiently for all to find me. For there is hope for all if efforts are done for my namesake. Better late than never, for the destination is the same. Though who got on board earlier, will have positions of those who rule. My Kingdom waits for all to get on board.


It is not enough to have a relationship with me; but yet you do not follow my rules. It is not enough to only know of me; but refuse to have a relationship with me. It is not enough to be a good person; but do not know your creator. It is not enough to know my Word; but never pray with me. I Am your Creator and expect, just like your mother or father, to be acknowledged and loved. If you do not have a relationship with your parents, make sure you do not have any unresolved issues (whether they are alive, dead, or unknown) that will keep you from my Kingdom (like unforgiveness).

Get close to me and you will find my heart, love, and compassion for you. I wait for you to spend time with me. I wait for you to do what is expected of a child. For those with childlike faith enter into my Kingdom.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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