11/8/24 12:44 PM
Elizabeth Marie
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In this post is a PROPHETIC DREAM and a MESSAGE (below) that I received from the LORD. However, first, the LORD laid this on my mind to share:
Many are wondering if the JUDGMENTS upon America will continue….or has there been a DELAY, PAUSE, or RESPITE? Will the LORD RELENT for a time? If we look to the WORD OF GOD for the answer, we see that GOD only relents HIS judgments if there is REPENTANCE, and a SINCERE turning back to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, MAKER OF HEAVEN and EARTH!
“Who knows? God may yet RELENT and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish. When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened.” Jonah 3:9-10
However, because of a few dreams that I have received, I do sense that the LORD is not finished with HIS people in America. The TESTINGS will continue, to TRY Christians…. to see what they are really made of….and who they REALLY TRUST! For the LORD looks at the hearts, to see who will remain faithful to HIS cause alone.
The LORD reminded me, on November 6th, 2024, of this dream that I had where I saw a large, black dog walking around with, what looked like, a dead EAGLE hanging from his mouth. I yelled out to the dog, in a stern voice, to DROP the EAGLE immediately. Much to my surprise, the dog did exactly that!.
I then saw eagle laying on the ground, AS IF DEAD… but, slowly, I saw him start to come to life again, as he shook out his wings. As he started trying to stand up, I could tell that his legs were wobbly from being so injured, and beaten up.
He then started to hobbling, away from me, towards the nearby woods. Even though he was not able to fly, because his feathers were so ruffled up, and tattered…. he still had enough LIFE in him to make his ESCAPE.
I believe that the EAGLE represents AMERICA, that has been weakened, and almost destroyed by her enemies…severely injured by those who long for her demise. The DOG, in the dream, represents wickedness, or wicked people, like it says in Revelation 22:7
“But outside are DOGS and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.”
This land has been weakened from WITHIN…. politically, spiritually, corporately, educationally, and judicially….in almost EVERY area of her existence. She has become a godless nation gasping for her last breath!
The LORD has allowed this demoralizing process to SHAKE UP people, and HIS CHURCH, to the REALITY of what happens when GOD is taken out of the picture. When this happens, it creates a VACUUM that then becomes filled with anything, and everything godless, and demonic! However, the LORD’s heart is for HIS people to WAKEUP from their slumber, and to turn back to HIM without any compromises!!
The church is partly responsible for what is happening in America because, instead of believers being the SALT of the WORLD, many, have fallen away to become APOSTATE, LUKEWARM, and MINGLING WITH THE WORLD. This is the one of the reasons that the JUDGMENTS has fallen upon the land.
These judgments can bring righteousness back to those who have not been completely given over to a REPROBATE MIND. However, I do sense, that with these JUDGMENTS, there has been a NEW CRY, out to the LORD, that has RISEN up to heaven. There have been many people, all over this world, praying, and fasting for this country. Many watchmen, and women also have been SOUNDING THE ALARM, and BLOWING THE TRUMPET for the people to repent.
“……For when Your JUDGMENT are in the earth,
The inhabitants of the world will learn RIGHTEOUSNESS.” Isaiah 26:9
During this time of being at the CROSSROADS, I believe that the LORD is now asking HIS people to not put their TRUST and FAITH in man, but in HIM. For when we trust in MAN, and not in GOD…..a CURSE comes upon the people, and the land, as it says in Jeremiah 17:5:
“Cursed is the man who trusts in man
And makes flesh his strength,
Whose heart departs from the LORD.” Jeremiah 17:5
This does not mean that we don’t support, encourage, pray, and help those who are doing the LORD’s will, bidding, and work…..but we are to TRUST in GOD ONLY for the RESULTS, and OUTCOME. That way, it is GOD that gets all the GLORY….and not man!
My prayer is that, after the RESULTS of this week, that Christians will NOT go back to sleep, and become complacent once again. For the spiritual battle against darkness is not over….but only ramping up! Prayer Warriors must continue to fervently be praying…..for the DRAGON knows that his time is short, so the attacks will continue.
.”Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”
Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.”Revelation 12:12;17
Satan, and his minions, will NOT be RETREATING……but re-organizing, plotting, and scheming, as they always do!! The people of GOD must continue to be, ARMORED-UP to be ready, in the SPIRIT, not only defensively, but offensively…. with their PRAYERS, and SUPPLICATIONS. We must continue battling in the spirit realm, which can manifest with physical consequences.
Brothers, and Sisters…..
Do not RETREAT….but STAY the COURSE….even if you are WEARY!!!
“Let us not become WEARY in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
“Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow WEARY and lose heart.“Hebrew 12:3
“You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown WEARY.” Revelation 2:3
MESSAGE (received on 11/56/24)
I labored while receiving the message below. It came with a HEAVY HEART that I felt from the LORD. I didn’t completely understand, until I heard this verse:
“For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.” 1 Thessalonians 5:3
Though REJOICING comes in the morning….
Though the VICTORY BELLS ring….
Satan, is always re-grouping, and plotting.
MY people must not put their HOPE and TRUST in a man…..but in ME! For I alone can rescue them from the sniper’s pit.
A TRAP has been set…..a SNARE has been laid behind the scenes….and the sheep are unaware!
The PRAYERS of THE SAINTS can hold back his plans that brings darkness, and seeks your demise.
Do not retreat, even though it seems that a battle has been won….but, instead, stay on your knees to ME, and pray all assignments to be destroyed!
Do not stop PUSHING BACK the DARKNESS in the spirit realm…..for you fight against principalities, and wickedness in high places.
I have called you to be GENTLE as DOVES….but…..WISE AS SERPENTS! Seek ME for that wisdom….for I give to those who ask!
DO NOT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN, MY BELOVEDS….for the battle continues!”