Digital ID and Eye Scan Warning
8/31/24 10:07 PM
In this dream, everyone was being required to go into a building that looked something like a social security office. We were told to check in and there was a large machine that looked like the check in machine there. We were all told to look up at a device and that we were all going to have our eyes scanned for identification purposes. I felt the scan was evil and covered my eyes. The other thing everyone was required to do was to click “I agree” on the machine with the typical link to a long agreement. No one read it and just clicked it but I felt warned in my spirit not to click it.
For some reason, I had a guitar belonging to a friend from high school and a man came up to me and told me it was going to be confiscated. I asked him if I could contact my friend so he could get it . Immediately, an alarm went off and a bunch of men in black security outfits grabbed me and threw me on a gurney and belter me in. I saw my daughter and I said, “tell everyone what is really going on in here and warn them”.
As I was being wheeled through the hall I spoke to the young man and looked him in the eye and said ” You don’t have to do this.” He looked guilty and looked away.
I was taken to a walled courtyard somewhere in the depths of the building and it was very cold. The scene shifted and it looked like I was in an Asian facility and all the other prisoners were Japanese. I know Japanese in real life so I was talking with them about how to get out. I was thinking how glad I was that I had leggings on under my dress because we were caged up outside in the elements.
I believe this is a warning dream about the digital ID. Please be wary of all eye scans, biometric data or any other form of identifying you and pray before signing any agreements. These things have already been put in place across the world and China in particular.
Please take this of course to the Holy Spirit and pray for discernment.
Revelation 13
16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.d