December 4, 2020
Edward Umling
Prophetic Words – December December 4 2020
(December 2 2020)
Brace yourself Child. December there will be shaking of immense proportions. Once, twice, third time; on the third: not the first, not the second but third: surprises, unforeseen events; challenges awaits this people. Warn My People, Warn My People says the LORD. Challenges, Challenges many Challenges says the LORD.
(November 3 2020)
My son this will be the last election. This King will come down. This will allow My fiery ones to come forth. December will have a catastrophe so big this people will be in shock and disbelief.
(September 5 2020)
My son hear the Word of the LORD.
December is the month I change the Land.
December is the month I move this land. December is the time I visit calamity.
Say it again my son December, December, December says the LORD.
(July 19 2020)
Mark YOUR calendar! December 25th in America shall be UNRECOGNIZABLE. The words to the very songs they sing shall be words of lamentations and weeping.
(November 29 2020)
December; sorrow replaces gladness; confusion replaces order; division replaces peace; reason replaces faith.
The coming of the LORD is at hand.
The hour is very late.
Jesus is coming very very soon.
When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?
Watch and Pray that you be not deceived. Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning; and be like men who wait for their master, when he will return.
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