7/24/24 12:50 PM
Madelyn Camp
July 2024
Be ready.
Spiritually and mentally. This year. Severe challenges. Red flag events.
Jet stream reversal. The Great Dust Bowl. Magnetosphere shift. No protection.
Solar winds damage same as solar flares. Will look like a bomb blew up in certain areas. Instant fires. Lose power all over the world. Power stations gone. Ships fried.
Non-recoverable chaotic event. Beginning of a different era. This. Is where we are. TOTAL DARKNESS. No food. No water. Nothing moving. No sewage treatment = cholera. We all knew this time was coming. It’s happening now.
Pray and prepare as God leads. Blood of Jesus on your doorposts.
I take great comfort in I AM the Architect of the Last Days. Satan does nothing God doesn’t allow for His plans and purposes.
Walk so closely with Him you hear Him whisper strategic instructions and be quickly obedient in all things 24/7.
The Righteous Judge is here. Judgement is redemptive. Wrath is terminal. God’s people aren’t appointed to wrath. We live in the battlefield.