Dangers of an Apex predator (deception)
1/1/25 4:25 PM
Who Hath Believe Our Report!
Given to me 1/1/25
If you looked outside and saw a violent rainstorm, would you go outside? However, if you saw a slow rain, you would go outside and perhaps not even notice it. This is the exact danger of a false witness. Today, the pulpits, the home churches, and even YouTube are full of false witnesses. You eat from this plate and from that plate, but part of the food isn’t good to eat. It takes only a small percentage of poison in the food to harm you. A small snake with a powerful bite can even take your life. (Continue in my word!!!)
Now look at the places you eat today, they serve sin and abominations. they teach pride, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes. Their craft is witchcraft, guile, soft tongue, and a sexy look (full of lust and pride). You are the sheep, the prey and they are the wolves, the bears, the sharks traveling in packs always hungry APEX predators looking for your souls, families, wives, children, husbands, and wealth, they are wicked servants of sin. You come and sit at their tables unaware the Lord isn’t there.
Their words: financial reset, prosperity gospel, power, anointing, great faith. I’m not contending for the real truth of these aspects here, but these predators, they are robbers and thieves, running a Ponzi scheme against the Lord people. You are paying for access to their “gifts”. Look at those gifts, do they deliver or is it a show!!! Look at them! They all have a proud look, bold in iniquity and sin. you might go to a car dealership and be able to determine this car is bad for you, but you can’t tell these wicked are taking you farther from the Father, and if possible, to get you removed from the Lambs Book of Life. This book owns this book, the Lamb! contemplate it?
How does God give you great faith, through trials and “tribulation”, which includes birth pains or giving a greedy preacher money? Why are your loins girded with truth? It’s a symbol of birthing into your life what God has for you. You, as you work, as you make smart choices and decisions, read your bible, make Jesus your Lord, repent daily, and keep your garments clean, he will add to you as He sees fit, and you are ready! Will you remember to thank the Father after you are healed or will you be like the other leapers?
Oh my people, why have you deceived yourself into thinking that you are able to endure the things to come when you have no idea what it is that is coming and when?
Are your soft hands able to endure no power, limited heat, and living in complete darkness at night?
Are you able to gather food without screaming at your maxed-out credit card, why NOW! have you forsaken me? Now, consider stocking up or how will you eat? rice, lentils, beans, oatmeal, protein powder/supplements, vitamins, and water purification. 3 years, determine how much you eat in a month and make a plan
How will you see at night? Now, consider getting candles, a dual-fuel generator, or a solar generator (ebay has the best deals), and many other things. Get dark trash bags, cover your windows, and let nobody know you have supplies. Otherwise, they will take it from you.
My people, where do you trust? Why is your hope in a man? when will you repent and turn to your God, your redeemer? There is no hope in a system designed to wipe Adam off the planet. Soon you will be evicted from the planet, will you choose me before you go? beware of Turkey!
Oh my people, why have you deceived yourself into thinking you’re righteous?
Stop all forms of fornication, adultery, porn, hate, bitterness, let go of this world, forgive those that wronged you. clean the slate, wipe it all clean. walk in peace and I will be in your midst. Love God and your neighbor! cheat no one out of anything! No sin will enter into heaven, you can’t repent when the trumpet sounds, you must be on that list before it blows, even if it is at the last minute, don’t delay cleaning your house. get rid of that sin in your house and your heart.
GET THAT PORN OUT OF YOUR HOUSE, IS IT WORTH LOOSING YOUR SALVATION? If you are married, why do you flirt? STOP trying to get affirmation from a person before you wake up in a defiled bed.
You say, God doesn’t see it or know of my sins or what is really in my heart, yet, the Father always knows the heart of a man and how wicked and unpredictable it is, so He knows man is always unstable when it comes to the heart and flesh. Guess who else knows your sins, the enemy! Because of Sin, Israel was sold to its creditors. The wages of sin is death! how will you deal with your daily acrued wages? you repent and ask the Lord to cover your sins with the shed blood.
Look for Howard Pitman’s videos. testimony of a preacher given a 2nd chance from hell. He certifies, 97.5 percent not going to heaven, take this seriously, clean your house while you can. Because of Sin what will happen to those not going in the rapture? will he sell them to their creditors till they repent? Read book of judges 3 on….
Who hath believe our report!
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