Curtain Dream
1/6/25 5:02 PM
Roxanne V.
1/1/25 4 AM
I see a girl walking with chains around her body.
Another girl stood at her back, holding her up as if her legs were weak.
I was asking the girl in chains what bound her and she didn’t know.
As we kept walking, a small drone, like a tiny helicopter, (3 inches or so long) would fly to the corner of the room, dash around the room, then fly at me. It did this pattern a few times. Then I waited for it, keeping my eye on it, and as it came at me again, I struck my hand down on it like a blow — meeting it to strike it down.
(It reminded me of the scene in Star Wars where Luke had a blindfold on and was striking the flying robot with the light saber.)
I turned and wrapped the chained girl and me in a tall curtain-like cocoon and asked her again what bound her and broke her chains.
— End of Dream —
(As I woke, I remembered my experience with a micro-drone).
This dream is being shared to remind the Army of the Lord to stay alert and on task! He is giving us strategy and assignments and reminders in His words, visions and dreams of what is here for us now and just ahead.
Many of His warriors are ready and prepared for this time, yet He is warning and reminding to not jump into battle without His blood around your armor, family, home, on your door posts, vehicles, airspace – all affairs.
Remember that binding and casting down spiritual wickedness in high places, strongholds and spirits is another key practice to clear the dimensional airspace and field as you move into place.
The battles of the Lord in scripture, from Gideon’s army, David’s armies, the 185K that fell – all carried out the strategy of the Lord and were led with His authority. The spiritual battles of these days have a new strategy with the same Almighty God.
The adversaries know that their time short. The use of technology in many forms is their effort to intimidate, gain control and power.
The tall curtain is Jesus Christ. He is the veil today that protects His own and blinds non-believers to the Truth — just as He was the veil in the temple of the Israelites that was torn as He died on the cross for them.
The girl in chains is in the field, ready for harvest. The girl behind her who is holding her up in seeming support, but is not breaking her chains nor freeing her with Truth. She represents the false doctrines and lying church.
As we go forward to break chains and do the work of the Father, WE MUST FIRST be in stealth-mode. This means to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves, battle-ready and wrapped with the veil of Christ.
For the Army of God: Blessings and big shields of faith, with courage and boldness and surrounded with holy fire. Stand strong!
In His service and for His glory
Hebrews 6:13-20
2 Corinthians 3:14
Matthew 27:51
Photos courtesy Depositphotos