Received 6/13/18 in the afternoon
The Spirit of the LORD came upon me with great intensity so that I felt I could hardly breathe and I was compelled to fall on my face. The Lord spoke in my spirit that I should write.
My daughter, it is absolutely true; there is no lie to be found among the prophecies that I have given to my holy servants who have told you of the imminence of my return. The events of which I have spoken now for ages past—events which I gave my prophets of old and which are recorded in your Old Testament—are now unfolding. The seals are opening. The revelation is unfurled. That which has been a mystery from the beginning is unsealing itself before you. Those with ears to hear will hear what I am doing on the earth. Those with eyes to see will be allowed to peak into the scroll that has been sealed since the foundation of the world. Oh, my children, you need not fear! You need only rejoice! Consider yourselves greatly blessed, my children, for being counted worthy to stand in my presence and see the fulfillment of all I have spoken of through my prophets from the creation of the world! So many of my servants have longed to see what you see and to know what you know. You are the blessed generation of holy people from the foundation of the world. Indeed, the last are first, and the first last (Matthew 19:30). The workers in the final hour of harvest are greatly blessed! For they receive the same wages as the first workers without bearing the heat of the plowing! (Matthew 20:1-16) You are blessed to receive the great abundance that is waiting for you to harvest! In a very short period of time, that harvest will be gathered, and you are chosen to gather it! For such a time as this you are called, my people (Esther 4:14). Think not about the great destruction this world is facing, nor the changes that are coming into your lives. Think not about the fears, the pressures, the persecutions, the floggings, the chains, the death that is coming upon you—for in it is life! Through your blood, a harvest of souls will be claimed. It is said that the seed of the church is the blood of the martyrs. Your blood will be the most abundant, your seed most proliferous. Yet, no sooner is the seed planted than it is sprouted! No sooner is it planted than it is ready for harvest! Who has heard of such a thing? Oh blessed are you, final generation! Prepare your hearts, make your garments ready, my people. Fix your eyes on me. I am your blood, your strength, your hope, your eternal reward. I am your energy, your zeal, your hope. In me is all the fullness of your strength! When you look to me, you see eternity unfolding before you; you are not bound to the frailties of a short-sighted existence. Rejoice, my people, and be exceedingly glad! Look into my eyes and drink of me. I will lift you up from this earth before you realize the pain of death. Rest secure in me. Wait for me. I am your hope!
The Lord repeated that He is our hope three times! He also emphasized that He is the source of our strength and that He is the eternal perspective that we need in these days. Surely these concepts He means to impress upon us so that we can pass through these days without losing heart. Let us dwell upon these truths continually.
-Rachel, daughter of the King