Christmas Portals to Hell opening
12/4/24 9:54 PM
Dream Dec 1 5:30 AM
I was a college student at a Christian college on a winter retreat with a choir group. The atmosphere was warm and festive and love was blooming between several couples . The festivities changed so that it became a Christmas decorating fest. Brightly lit trees and poinsettias were set up and some students started setting up little elves and other decor .
As I was watching this I saw that as soon as an elf was set up or a tree, other elves appeared sleeping in the poinsettias . As more and more decor went up , not only were elves multiplying but there was a strange slug/seal looking creature with red and green Santa hat sleeping . I looked at it in weird fascination. Another bigger uglier creature appeared and I felt the hairs rising on my neck. A third creature that looked like a cross between Grinch and an ogre with a santa suit . The director came over and said, “Oh cool, who set that up?” I turned and said. “This all is evil. You need to get rid of it all.” To my horror, the grinch thing woke up and swallowed the guy. I commanded it to let him go and he spit him out covered in brown mud, slime, totally unrecognizable and I woke up.”
As I was waking I heard the verses
After this I saw another angel descending from heaven with great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his glory. 2And he cried out in a mighty voice:
“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!a
She has become a lair for demons
and a haunt for every unclean spirit,
every unclean bird,
and every detestable beast.b
3All the nations have drunkc the wine
of the passion of her immorality.
The kings of the earth were immoral with her,
and the merchants of the earth have grown wealthy
from the extravagance of her luxury.”
4Then I heard another voice from heaven say:
“Come out of her, My people,d
so that you will not share in her sins
or contract any of her plagues.
5For her sins are piled up to heaven,
and God has remembered her iniquities.
Come out of the Christmas madness my people. Christmas is not a Biblically authorised holiday. The holiday that Jesus celebrated was the Hannukah or dedication of the temple that had been defiled when Antiochus Ephipanes put pig blood on the altar. He had to walk three days in the cold winter of Israel to attend it so though it was not commanded, it was something He considered important. See John 10:22. In fact He was extremely zealous for the temple and drove the money changers out of it and would have driven out anything else that was defiling it or keeping people from prayer.
In Exekiel 6, God (YHWH ) shows abominations being set up in His temple that are angering Him and there is an abomination which shows women weeping over Tammuz. Tammuz was a fertility god and his birth was celebrated on the 25th of December with trees decorated with berries. This is called an abomination. Jesus appears in Revelation as walking among the golden menorahs of the churches. He never commanded anyone to celebrate His birth and He certainly did not want to be replaced with the sun god.
While many , including myself have spent years worshipping Him at Christmas thinking because we did it in His honor that we were better than the others, the fact is, tin Jesus’ day, the temple would have been defiled had someone tried to put a Christmas tree up in it. Hannukah is the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev, so it was a perfect plot for the enemy to get people to substitute it with a worship of a foreign god with the face of our Savior. In my dream, I am coming to an awareness along with everyone else that though we thought it was wonderful festive time that as we put up more and more useless trinkets and cute elves, demons are pouring in through the portals of elf on the shelf , Santa etc. This is just as bad, or maybe even worse than Halloween especially since it has such a glamorous deceptive cultural face on it. This is a hard word and may offend some but I feel the Spirit is strongly warning something here.
Come out my people and be holy. Come out so you do not get swallowed up by this deceptive spirit and receive the plagues that comes with the pleasures of Bablyon.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos