Cain and Abel repeated
9/25/24 10:21 AM
The end of the age showdown is coming between Elijah and prophets of Baal.
The Most High God, The Father, will be silent no more! He is angry against evil.
A mighty move of the Fear of The Mighty God is going to grip this earth. This generation is going to run smack into God like a concrete wall. A mighty move with this generation breaking forth in revival—revival that is characterized by repentance and brokenness.
Are the ways of God truly discernible? No! Even angels will be amazed and shocked by what God is going to do and how He is going to do it—His Ways, they are truly beyond.
This move will be outside the church and it will expose and give rise to the spirit of Cain and will provoke jealousy amongst those that call themselves the sons of God, but are not (1 John 3:12). Before Paul encountered Jesus, he carried out this persecution of the true sons, then he ran smack dab into Jesus, crashing into Him and was knocked off his horse by the glory.
This remnant is going to move in the power of Christ Jesus because their earmark will be (I Corinthians) Love demonstrated by the decreasing of self (I must decrease, HE must increase). They will move in signs and wonders and share the unadulterated gospel in pure true love of Jesus. The True gospel will be revealed again because it has been diluted with the doctrines of demons (denominations?).
When someone is in rebellion to God, it stirs up jealousy aimed at someone who is NOT in rebellion and in turn becomes hatred that stirs up rage, unchecked it manifests into murder—the spirit of Cain and will rise up and destroy.
The false church, Cain, will be jealous and persecute the true remnant, i.e. his brother, Abel. The false church will not be able to control God’s plan or His remnant and they will miss what The Most High is doing.
This will expose wrong hearts and they will move in the spirit of death and kill the martyrs. What happened to Abel, will repeat—among the brotherhood—the false church will murder the true church and a lot of the martyrs will come from that.
Cain will murder Abel—the false church will kill the true Church. They won’t realize it, until it is done that they have killed their brother.
His remnant are earmarked by brokenness, those forgiven much will love much—hearts like Mary Magdalene will fall weeping. They will carry intimacy and an anointing like world has never seen.
May 2023