By Deception They Do War!
9/2/24 1:04 PM
William Brooks
September 02, 2024
Behold! What fowler sets the snare in sight of the bird? But truly, truly, a trap is being set for the people of the promised land and war is on the earth as wrath and judgment is set to fall. Gather yourselves to the voice of Yeshua HaMashiach and hear my words. Behold! I tell you of things to come before they happen, that my words may stand as a warning to all whom they are sent. For so is the nature of the Words of Life of which I speak, for I Yeshua HaMashiach am the Word of God made flesh and I dwell within you, for you are the temple of the living God, and I am the High priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Truly, truly, my words will find the eyes, ears, and hearts of those to whom they are sent, and they will be preserved through the coming wars and troubles, except there will be a dearth of scripture worldwide because when the earth was showered generously in the Words of Yahweh, even the great eternal God, the World did receive those words for a time. But now the world has rejected Yahweh’s Words in favor of the lies of the Dragon, and so now the Word of God will be scarce and a famine of God’s Word will there be, for so are the coming judgments. Yet, every living soul who calls on the name of the Lord to the end shall be saved, even those who love not their lives to the end.
But hear and understand my Words and know and understand that my Words will be preserved, and they will be revealed to the World, and the times of revealing have come. And so I, Yeshua HaMashiach do send the everlasting gospel for times of great trouble, even Jacob’s trouble so that a multitude of multitudes may be saved so as yet by fire. And so the everlasting gospel has come to be revealed in its time and testimonies will yet be written and the Words of Yahweh will flow as rivers of living water and they are written for the obedience of all who have ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart to learn, and the Words of Yahweh are eternal Words of which no man can lose, corrupt, nor silence, for a man in so doing will lose himself, yet the Words of the everlasting God stand eternal.
Behold! The times of Jacob’s trouble have arrived, and the times have come for the revealing of all things, for Yahweh has chosen this time to reveal himself to his creation, even in the face of his only-begotten son, Jesus Christ. For I am Jesus Christ even the ascended Lord of Lords and King of Kings and into my hands has the deed to the earth been given because I purchased it in my own sinless blood and my reward is with me. And I will distribute my inheritance among the faithful, and he that overcomes will inherit all things at my hand in reward for their faithfulness that they may evermore show the everlasting glory of Yahweh. And Yahweh will glorify them and those who have lowered themselves in humility, obedience, and repentance will be elevated in everlasting glory and will shine as the stars in the firmament and so their glory will shine for all eternity. So I encourage you my loves to hear my voice and bow your hearts in obedience.
Hear me and hear me well, war is here, and Secret Babylon is chained for destruction and her judgment and punishment lingers not but is imminent. And as I snatch my Church, my Body, and even my Bride away from calamity into the safety of the heavens the restrainer will be removed, and they will have their surprise attack and the time of their attack is now. The ten kings have colluded among themselves, and they have surely set their hands to the ready, they have staged, they have prepared, and they have covered the earth in their lies that they may seem justified in the genocide of millions and millions that will fall to the tragedy and pains of their war.
And it is Satan’s own synagogue who controls the world now, and they hide themselves in the land of promise like a spider hides itself out of sight of its prey until the prey lands in its web. Truly, Truly, they have woven their web worldwide, and they have caught the kings of the earth in their webs of deception for by deception they do war, and also murder, bribery, blackmail, extortion and many other evils for their ways are utterly perverse. Because Satan places the lowest of the low and those who are utterly corrupt as world leaders so they may be easily controlled and used completely by the tares whom Satan has planted among Yahweh’s fields of wheat. And the times of the final harvests are approaching where the wheat shall be gathered into Yahweh’s everlasting storehouse through the coming harvests, and Satan’s tares will be utterly rooted out, bound, and cast alive into that fiery lake of burning brimstone that burns the hottest flames of blue in the inheritance of their fathers and so is their future so fear them not.
But so it is, the spider rules its web as it seeks to take control of the earth, for the earth is given into the hands of the dragon in a limited way for a short time, even Daniel’s seventieth week of which times are now. And so the faithful in my Church will be taken into the heavens into great reward, and they will receive their inheritance and the bridegroom will join his bride in everlasting covenant and evermore will they be with me wherever I go. And so the title deed to the earth that I hold in my hands that is currently sealed is set to be unsealed and the seals will be loosed, and they will blow their trumpets, and the vials will be poured out in wrath. And great judgment and devastation will cover the earth and calamity will fall worldwide as their final war to synthesize the nations under Satans control rages along that the beast and the false prophet may rise and rule the earth in great cruelty, and so it will be. They will declare war on all things of the true God, and Christianity will be illegal and it is given to the beasts to make war on the saints and to overcome them and many will lose their heads for my name sake and all who do will find their lives eternally in great reward and eternal splendor and they will live everlasting lives of peace and they will enjoy the fat of the land.
Yet, as the world is brought to its faithless knees in submission to pure evil through great war, cruelty and devestation, the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth will rise fully. Though, they currently pretend to be enemies in their current manipulations and deceit to destroy secret Babylon. Understand that their Father is the same, for they are Satan’s own, even that abominable duo of which the dragon has chosen to fulfill his purposes. And so the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth will rise, and they will broker peace amongst the nations, except a false peace will it be. Understand that there is no peace outside of the peace treaty given by Yahweh for the sins of the world, for I, Jesus the Nazarene am the prince of peace and I do bring an everlasting peace and in righteousness will I rule the earth from the land of promise from the throne of David, for I am his rightful heir.
And so they will rise. The third world war will be fomented amongst those who bow at their black cube and they will make war on the earth as they seek to eradicate anything to do with the name Jesus Christ. Except those who bow their black cube will be bought fully under control of the beast from the sea who will lead them as their Mahdi. And those in the lands of promise will have their false king, false prophet, false Moshiach and a beastly temple builder will he be and the beast from the earth will so lead them in great deception. And those who wear the black cube on their foreheads will broker peace with those who bow at their black cube and the world will be united as they follow these beasts and say among themselves, who is like the beast? And who can make war with the beast? Yet, I Christ Jesus, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords will come to judge and make war and I will utterly destroy the beast and the false prophet and they will be cast alive into that great lake burning with fire and brimstone where they will wait for the Dragon to join them at the appointed time.
And so they will make grand promises of peace and security and they will gather those who are forever lost to their destruction. They will promise a new society and a new order that will require their beastly mark to participate, so take not the mark. With their mark they will promise a cure from pestilence and will promise health and long life and a great future will they imagine for themselves and they will make many false promises to those who will perish from taking their beastly mark.
And so I say again to those who dwell on the earth, that all may hear:
But understand, my children, that their society will have no peace and their promises are bait to lure the unsuspecting into their trap, for what fowler sets the snare in the sight of the bird? Yet many birds will be taken in their snare, even all those whose names were never written in the book of life. Understand that all who take the mark will be forever altered, and they will have committed blasphemy against Yahweh, by changing their DNA and thereby corrupting the image of God of which man was made and all who do have no forgiveness, so take not their mark. It is better to lose your earthly lives that I may save you eternally and that you may find eternal life in me, Yeshua HaMashiach by calling on my name to the end than to foolishly try to save your earthly lives and lose any chance of eternal life to the second death of eternal flames where their worm dies not. So choose wisely!
The world that will rise from the ashes of war will be a world of pestilence, death, famine, pollution, injustice, cruelty, madness and utter misery. All pleasure will be taken from the earth and yet the beast from the earth will force his mark on the world, even the serpents bite, and any and all who resist will lose their lives and that is the choice many will have to make to obtain eternal life in salvation, and all who call on the name of the Lord until the end will be saved. Yet, their new society will bring no peace and all who take the mark will be part of the hive mind and they will be mingled with technologies and they will be slaves to the will of the dragon and him will they serve and into that great lake of fire will they go and so is the second death.
The Dragon, the beast from the sea, and beast from the earth will lead a coalition of kings, and they will make war on all who seek to live the ways of Yahweh, and they will blame me, Yeshua HaMashiach for the calamities that befall the earth in judgment and in great rebellion will they blaspheme the name of the God of heaven and his only-begotten son and great blasphemous claims will they make. The beast from the sea and the beast from the earth will align themselves against my two witnesses and my two candlesticks and will stand in opposition to them with many lying signs and wonders, and many blasphemous words will they speak. And when my two witnesses and two candlesticks have finished their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit, shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. Yet in three and a half days will they be resurrected and a great voice from heaven, will say to them, Come up hither. And they will ascend up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies will behold them.
And so the beast from the earth, even he who comes with his beastly mark in hand, even he who will be their false prophet and false Moshiach will come to rule the land of promise. And he has already ingratiated himself to the rulers of the land, even the leaders of the synagogue of Satan, for he shares of their corrupted bloodlines, and he is proud of his genealogy and Dan is a lion’s whelp of which no Messiah will ever arise. And so he will build their temple as they foolishly seek to reestablish the law of Moses, which things are fulfilled in utter perfection in my sacrifice of myself as the lamb of God, for I am he who gave myself as the perfect Passover for the sins of mankind. But what fowler sets the snare in the sight of the bird?
Truly, truly they will lay a snare in Zion, and they will seek to take those of the land because Satan seeks to destroy every last soul of the race of Adam, even the human race and had the days of Jacob’s trouble not been shortened no flesh would be left alive. But so the stage will be set with their third temple where the abomination of desolation will happen. And so have I warned: When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso reads, let him understand.) Then let them which be in Judea, flee into the mountains. Let him which is on the house top, not come down, to take anything out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field, return to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days. But pray you that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Understand that this period of time is near and will occur after the first 42 months of Jacobs trouble. During the first 42 months the two witnesses will prophesy, and they will build their temple when such a thing is no longer necessary, for I, Jesus the Nazarene, am the perfect Passover for the sins of mankind forevermore. Yet, these brute beasts stand in opposition to me and the beast from the earth will endeavor to place himself as their false Moshiach and this is their trap.
They will appeal to those of the land who still reject their me, Yeshua HaMashiach ther true Messiah and many will run and gather themselves to their false Moshiach, yet they ignorantly follow him to their own demise. Because the beast from the earth is he who sets a trap in the land, and he will lure many into his web of deceit, then the spider will spring forth on its prey, and he will betray the people of the land. Have you not read? For so, it is written: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a departing first, and that that man of sin be disclosed, even the son of perdition, Which is an adversary, and will exalt himself against all that is called God, or that is worshiped: so that he does sit as God in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. So understand that the departing first is where I will gather the faithful in my Church to me to meet me in the air and at that time the restrainer will be removed and that man of sin will be revealed in his time.
But when has Yahweh ever left heirs of salvation to eternal destruction and I declare it openly before it occurs: That I, Yeshua HaMashiach will yet save a remnant of Jacob and many from the land will accept me as their Messiah. And I will rescue them. Behold, it is written: And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on mount Sion, and with him a 144,000 having his Father’s Name written in their foreheads. And so it will be that I will come to rescue a remnant from destruction, and I do come with an unstoppable force who will walk step by step as I lead them to lead my little ones to safety. Perhaps you may wonder who the 144,000 are and to what purpose they follow me to Mount Sion?
The 144,000 are chosen by Yahweh before the foundations of the earth for such a time. They are forged in affliction, and they will possess unique abilities and strengths that I will clothe them in their new garments that I will give, for their garments are tailored specifically for them and will contain their accomplishments and attributes. They will be taken in the gathering of the faithful but are set apart for my purposes, even the purposes of Yahweh and Yeshua HaMashiach. They come during the great tribulation to lead Israel to safety. But first are taken to marry Christ, for I am the Bridegroom, and they are my Bride, the called, chosen, faithful, and true. Even those whom I have made pure as a virgin in my atoning blood. And it is you my bride who shall serve Yahweh’s purposes at my command in the times of the greatest troubles.
Behold, it is written! And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand, two hundred, and threescore days. And so it will be that I will provide a place of refuge in the wilderness for my people for I will yet save Jacob from their troubles and many from the land of promise will turn to me, Yeshua HaMashiach who is their true Messiah. And I will save them from the trap that will be set for them, and so I warn all before it happens to stay away from the trap and do not follow them, do not believe their lying signs, and wonders, neither believe their blasphemous Words but call on the name of the Lord, even Yeshuah HaMashiach who is Jesus Christ in the English tongue, because whatever language a person calls on my name even they will be saved when they call on my name to the end.
And so I come to make my people aware of the trap that will be set for them by the false prophet who comes with his beastly mark in hand. And so I tell my people plainly before it happens what is to come upon the earth before it occurs. Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he reveals his secret to his servants the Prophets. And I will come to the rescue of many in Israel who would otherwise perish and will lead them into the wilderness to the place prepared of them by Yahweh and there shall they be fed, and pastured, and cared for until the trouble passes. For it will come to pass at the end of Jacobs trouble and so it is written and so shall it be done:
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true, and in righteousnes he does judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns, and he had a name written, that no man knew but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture diped in blood, and his name is called, The word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linnen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he has on his vesture, and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach, and I have sent these Word by my servant and by my servant have these words been sent. And I, Yeshua HaMashiach am he who has revealed the everlasting gospel in its time and the times of revealing are now.
Behold! The times of revealing are come on the earth and I do declare that Jacob’s trouble, even Daniel’s seventieth week has arrived. Suddenly will I snatch the faithful from the earth to the safety of the heavens and suddenly will the restrainer be removed and suddenly will great calamity, judgment, and tragedy fall on the dwellers of the earth. And all those who are ordained to eternal life will come to salvation in me, Christ Jesus, the eternal resurrected Lord. And Satan’s kingdom will be utterly punished and destroyed never to rise again.
I am he who does come to judge and to make war and I do come as the Lion of the tribe of Judah and a remnant of Jacob will I save, and I will rule the earth in righteousness in my millenial kingdom and I do bring a great host of Kings and priests to rule the earth in righteousness at my command.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach the great King of Kings and Lord of Lords so hear my Words for the times of their fulfillment has come.
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