Bring the lost sheep to Me
January 23, 2024 6:00 AM
Whitney Eslick Manuel
1/22/2024 8:00 PM
I received this word right after a time that the LORD spoke to me personally about many beautiful things and showed me a vision. In the vision I saw the LORD’s heart, which at times looked like a huge heart and at times looked like a deep red folded cloth. I saw a small piece of the corner cut from it, but not fully severed, not completely cut out. The cut portion was placed inside me as my own heart, yet there was still a string sized portion or thread that attached my heart to His. My heart was tethered to His as it were. This vision will be important to keep in mind when hearing the beautiful word of prophecy the LORD gave to His Bride.
“Come now and write. Oh, how I am in love with all of My Bride. Oh, how I see you. Oh how I treasure the moments, the memories of your life in Me. I saw the rejection and your reaction. I saw the betrayal and your silent response. You do not give tit for tat. No, My Beloved. You bless when you are cursed. Though you are hurt, through tears you pray for those who have acted as an enemy to you. You intercede and weep out of love and concern for your betrayers. My loved ones, I see this. It touches Me to My very soul. Such rare jewels among men you are. You passed through My refinement fire. Many, most willingly. Some, even happily– loving the burning that cleansed and purified you. Lonely and rejected, you have been a friend to many. But none was found a friend to you. You loved and gave all to others, with almost no reciprocation or love given back to you. You walked in My shoes. Your feet traveled My path. You shared My cup and this is because you have My heart. Cut from a piece of My Own cloth, the corner of My garment, the corner of My heart. You are tethered to Me inextricably* (See note below ). You are Mine and I am yours. I am not ashamed of you. I prize and treasure you with all I AM; with My whole heart. Our hearts are now to be reconnected, reunited. Yours to Mine and Mine to yours. The wait is over. Help bring them all to Me. Help bring in the rest of My reward. It is My honor to choose you for this most noble and honored of tasks. Bring the lost sheep to Me.”
Note: When I heard the LORD say, “You are tethered to Me inextricably” I did not know if inextricably was even a real word. It sounded familiar, that it might be a word, but I didn’t know what it meant. So I wrote it out as it sounded and low and behold, when I looked it up after the word of prophecy was finished, not only was it an actual word but I had spelled it correctly. And its meaning fit the prophetic word and the vision the LORD had given to a T!!!
Inextricably: It is an adverb that is used to describe or paint a visual picture about a verb. It means “In a way that is impossible to disentangle or separate”.
Read the vision and word again with that definition in mind and see what an amazing and beautiful revelation the LORD has spoken over His beloved Bride, giving us insight into these things. He is truly the Lover of our souls, our only friend, our only portion, and our only reward ♥️
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