Warning, America, Prophecy, Word

Boom Boom Out Goes The lights! – Benjamin Faircloth

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Boom Boom Out Goes The lights!

Benjamin Faircloth


Auto Generated Transcript


America the Twilight of your existence has come your experiment of self-governing society led by technology and weapons of war has failed like the Nations before you who rejected my governance and Rule you are destined for the Heap ashes of Destruction I gave you my light but you rejected it and replaced it with the lights of luxury inovation and Indulgence you Feast upon the prosperity that I provided like Israel it wasn’t enough more and more you begged and pined for devouring the weaker and oppressing the poor and now you have plundered my house ate of my table and feasted on what was not yours I would have satisfied you with plenty I would have I would have nurtured you as a new calf but like Jacob you wanted your inheritance remember in Hebrews 12 he cried for it he couldn’t get it he wept bitterly you lust Your Lust brought you to the bottom of a bow but you still hungered for more oh America foolish people of a false light I’m coming to extinguish your light and gross Darkness will cover your land in the darkness you will stumble and fall and no one will help you raise up you have never witnessed my Fierce anger nor my displeasure but soon you will listen what he says but soon you will you will know it in full measure without mixture to my church keep the oil of my presence in your lamps refuse to be fooled by the false light of deception that is deceiving the Nations the false light Cur currently Illuminating my church hear me this time a strong wind is coming upon upon your you as your God I say today every light that is not of me I will extinguish from the face of the earth a strong wind is coming

Father God thank you for the anointing of the Holy Ghost and help me to articulate this message and not only the severity and the degree of which you gave it to me Father God but also in the urgency of where we are open our hearts and our eyes father our ears that we may see receive and know what is your will in Jesus name amen

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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